Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Welcome To The Gun Show


Anonymous said...

the top one, at gun point, i'll do anything, anything

even without the gun, or saying please LOL

Angel said...

oh Tranny, you DO love you some big guns, doncha?? ;)


Marker said...

Each and every one is magnificent.

Love the big guns.

Marker said...

Who is #5? Where have I seen him before?

David Dust said...

Marker -

#5 is a stripper who goes by the name "G-Spot". He is a former Daddy of the Day.



Dan said...

number one can shoot me with his big gun anytime!

Anonymous said...

#1 is the MAN

Unknown said...

i'll take #6.

david, i lost at least 5 lbs. not that i'm on a diet, but i went to my fb the other night and he has a scale, i'm down to 180 (used to be 185 and before was even 190).

now, where did i put my twinkies??? :-)

Mark in DE said...

I don't know which is scarier, the 1st pic or the 2nd pic!

The guy in the camo pants makes me weak in the knees.

Mark :-)

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