Saturday, June 6, 2009

I'm Back ... I Think ...

I just had a really adorable kid reinstall Windows on my laptop - so I think I'm back in business. However, I lost ALL my pictures - including personal ones - so I'm a little bummed. But I must say, I'm happy to have internet access again.

I will still be laying kinda low this weekend so I can get caught up.



Anonymous said...

you lost All your pics? that, to put into technical terms, sucks donkey balls.

Joy said...

Glad you're back! Sorry about the lost pictures. Save the ones you want to keep to a DVD. Now that I've suggested that, I'll go do that for mine.

Bob said...

Since you had such a cute kid to help you, and since you are a resident of Pervertville, as you say, why didn't you take some pictures of the kid, you know, just to check that everything works?

Glad you're back.


Dan said...

welcome back sugar! I lost my pc last week as well with a ton of pics as well!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

(angelic voices:) HALLELUJAH!
Pictures are like subways: there's always another one.
Of course, some take you to Brooklyn.
I would 2nd Joy's reccomendation for your new picture collection, but I know you won't do it!

Unknown said...

Okay make sure before you get our hopes up...

Anonymous said...

All I can say is "Yippee"!!!...and, Welcome Back!!!

LB anon

behrmark said...

I'm very bad about backing up my files, too. This is a lesson learned for all of us although you're hardest hit. BEHR HUGS!

Angel said...

all your pix?? every single one? Even the one of me and you in bed? damn! I liked that one!!! ;)

I love ya, and I'm glad you have at least a computer and internet....that's better than nothing, right?


Anonymous said...

Yeah!! Just think of the wonderful new photos you can search for now!! :-)

Mark in DE said...

Well... think of all the fun you'll have finding NEW Papi pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

It really is worth putting out a hundred bucks for an external drive to back yourself up frequently- or at least keep folders of pictures.
I don't think any of us backs up enough.
Sure is good to have you back anyway.

Beth said...

I'm sorry about the pictures, but I'm glad you're back! I back up all the pictures I take on flash drives. It's worth doing, because I know how upsetting it is to lose pics like that!

Welcome back! XOXO Beth

mrs.missalaineus said...

i back up stuff to a travel drive and i burn stuff to cd.

welcome back!!!


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