Monday, June 9, 2008

Michelle Obama's Rumored "Whitey" Video Revealed...


Marker said...

SWEET! Love it.

Take that, right wing ratfuckers. It's not going to work this time.

Anonymous said...

If she moves like that,then he might as well sleep with me.I guess I could tolerate it.

Angel said...

gawd...I am totally dancing over here! I love that song! and it brings back really good memories...going out with my friends, dancing all night long...ahhhhhhhhh

and I love Rick's little "side-to-side" move that he does....

Anonymous said...

I loved that song! Gawd, I'm white.

Dan said...

I have a confession, not only did I do my hair like his, but I also used to have that dance DOWN!

Angel said...

DAN!!!!! I can totally see you dancing like that!!! I bet you were hot!!

Unknown said...

Well, I confess to having purchased his CD 'Portrait' in 2005 and loving every song on it!

kayce. said...

bitch i shoulda SEEN that coming... dang, i thought it was gonna be the madness and it was good ol Rick A. good on ya, sir! =D

David Dust said...

Girl - I figured since you THOUGHT you were getting RickRolled with my "Gail's Boobies" blog - I might as well do it for real!


Tom A. said...

Oh no you didn't!

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