Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Caption This...


SailorAlphaCentauri said...

"Oh no, baby. You can look, but you can't touch this sass!"

Unknown said...

Little boys? No. Just no. You are talking to the wrong Jackson.

David Dust said...

Back it up, Timberlake - I am NOT showing BOOBIES up in here today!

mikeinbama said...

Somebody just farted all up in here!

Anonymous said...

"uh uh honey, I danced with you at the bowl!"

Tom A. said...

Sorry, Tyra! I'm not going to let you touch my big ass!

Mark in DE said...

LOL!!! All of these captions are so much better than mine, I'm not even going to type it. Good job folks!

My favorite is yours, David.

Mark :-)

David Dust said...

Mark - thanks dear.

He's right...these are ALL funny!!! Any more...????

Anonymous said...

You did NOT just call my honey a member of the Lollipop Guild!

David Dust said...

Jennie - LOL!

I would have gone with "Lullaby League" ... but that's just me.


P.S. - You biatches are FUNNY AS HELL! ONE thing that always impresses me is someone who makes me laugh. And you all make me laugh!!!!

kayce. said...

"ah uh, bitch, i know you dinn't"

Mistress Maddie said...

Oh hell no girl,this weight is not up and down again!

Anonymous said...

YOU can't touch THIS!

Timmy said...

"One. That's all I showed. Just one boobie."

David Dust said...

Timmy - EXCELLENT!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!

trouble611 said...

Jermaine, I dind't just let that stank gas out. You know good damned well it was you! You won't put that on me!

trouble611 said...

Jermaine, you KNOW I didn't just do that! You the one that be letting out those funk bombs! You ought to be shamed!!! My eyebrows are melting from that shit!

Angie at Home said...

"You slowly ease your index finger deep into your lover's ass, the tip of your finger in a "cum hither" fashion."

Anonymous said...

nuh uh just one penis at a time boys, my ass isnt THAT loose.

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