Monday, June 9, 2008

White Meat Monday - Buddies


Angel said...

man, the abs on those last guys!!!! WOW!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the guy showing his muscles with the other guy at his feet on his knees looking at the camera.Seems to me the guy on his knees is the one who is REALLY communicating- I want HIM. He kind of says..."You know you're thinking what I'm thinking that you're thinking what I'm thinking and you know that I know what you're thinking but the bottomline is that I'm going to have him and I've probably already had him"

Marker said...

Berry Blog - full agreement. That is exactly what the guy in the douchey Yankees visor is saying! : )

Favorite photo is the three guys with the two really hot guys holding the third really hot guy. They are all beautiful. Like I always say, someone get Sean Cody over here RIGHT NOW.

mascdudewriter2 said...

I'll take em all.

Romance said...

The abs are great, but admittedly these guys - not my thing. Funny, because for years and years - I was big into the white boys, blondes, muscles, LA types...

That said, I admire the effort to get those bods...

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