Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bootleg Blogging - Branden Rickman = SUPERMODEL

I am currently experiencing testicle technical difficulties with my computer - so I am Bootleg Blogging from a secure and secret location.

Congratulations to Branden Rickman for winning Make Me a Supermodel – Season 2. I know some people are upset by Branden’s surprise win, but I am happy for him. There is just something so sweet about youthful enthusiasm and joy – something Branden posseses in large quantities.

What sealed the deal for me last night was when Branden and his Mom (below) rolled into the Soho art gallery and began jumping up and down and yelling with excitement when they saw his photos. That’s NOT the way a Guest of Honor at an Art Opening usually acts, and I thought it was hysterical and adorable.

And then there's this...

Considering Branden is only 18-years-old – and I now reside in Pervertsville – I can’t help but be happy for the cutie (and his booty).

What did you think of the show last night?

Last photo courtesy of Tom & Lorenzo. You can check out their Finale recap HERE.


Jesús V. said...

Lovely Branden. Very hot!!

Kisses, David!!!

Psychomom said...

I was thrilled Branden won, he has the best model look/body and is young enough to learn and grow. And he looks a lot like one of my son's friends, ah young cute manboys!

Chris (Topher) said...

Meh. I was rooting for Jonathon.

Tivo Mom said...

I honestly think I would have been happy either way. I loved that he is so proud of his mom and that he was so excited. I really enjoyed the show this year! Hope that your computer comes back soon. You are missed.

Kailyn said...

I knew that Branden would win after the Cosmo shoot.

Bob said...

I was/am Team Jonathan.
I loved how the judges even said they wouldn't book Branden, except for that last photo--which was very good--but that Jonathan was the total pacakge.
Then they boot him.

mikeinbama said...

I thought the outcome was GREAT. I was on the Branden bandwaggon from day one. I just thought he was exactly what a male model should be about. Most of the contestants talked about the money aspect but Branden really wanted to make a living being a model regardless.

Jimmy said...

I think Jonathan is going to have a great career regardless.

Unknown said...

I was irked [saw this coming], and wasn't thrilled with the results. Honestly, I never got [and still don't] the attraction to Branden, as I thought Sandhurst and Jonathan far better looking. And I found his thought that winning will get him laid less than charming. Ugh, another show I will have to reconsider whether I have the desire to watch again.

Did find it interesting that just before they announced the results, they put up the audience vote, and Jonathan was on top, then Sandhurst, and Branden in last. They should really rethink using those polls, shouldn't they? Or are they trying to distance the audience?

C'est moi, c'est moi Lola said...

Well DD I didn't really watch the whole series, but I did see last night's finale.

I don't get the Branden love, but what amused me the most was:

1) describing Jonathan's innocence in his head shot. That man could steal my 'innocence' any damn day!

2) Jonathan's wife or girlfriend: Lucky bitch!

I did like Branden's mom though. She seemed like a lot of fun! Especially when Branden showed her the fancy suit he bought and she shot back, "You have money?" Total mom....

Sozo's said...

I thought it was a good show, it was so nice to see all of them with their families. All of them were deserving so I was going to be happy no matter who won..I liked them all.

Brandon's transformation was the best though..he cam in a boy and left a man!

Mark in DE said...

I feel that Jonathon has the body, looks, and maturity to be a supermodel, and was surprised that Branden won.

Anonymous said...

That fish (the picu) is found only in the amazon, not at the beach. He's hot, but that setting is lame-o. Total slip up. Would've just been hotter in the rainforest where the fish and he belong.

Anonymous said...

branden is amazing. he is the only one who looks contemporary and like a model really.
he is very very, special
jonathan and sandhurst are JC Penny's all the way

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