Wednesday, October 8, 2008
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That was quick! Whoever created this was fast. Love it! I'm going to steal it.
Excellent Post David! Great way take McCain's negativity and spin it into Obama positivity!
"That One" indeed. Could McCain have been more ignorant???? Grrr.
Dear Daughter opined that the Obama aides sat up and yelled 'yes!' and the McCain aides put their heads down and sobbed, 'no, no, no, did he just say that?!'
Great Piece! For all your readers who are interested there is a great article in this issue of Rolling Stone Magazine about McCain - and, yes, despite his recent "good behavior" he is the hot-headed, "it's all about me", angry white man we all thought he was all along. Oh, and what does it say about our "media" that my three main sources of information about the presidential campaings are MSNBC (tilting in the right direction for my taste), Rolling Stone, and The View?
I wish the elections were tomorrow.
David you are always right on the cutting edge. I love it and may have to steal it. It's perfect!!
Rolling Stone is on a roll (sorry) and has articles about Caribou Barbie and more about McSame, too.
I know what you mean, Scott.
#3 for me...
Hiya Bunny
Sigh... what can one possible say?
Sorry D -- my short comment was suppost to be for the 'hola papi' post but I guess I clicked the wrong comments link -- can you tell I'm extra tired after work today?
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