Monday, November 30, 2009

Athletic White Meat - Grady Size(?)more

By now many of you have seen the I-phone PICTURES of Cleveland Indians center fielder Grady Sizemore. These were sent to his ex-girlfriend, and instead of hitting "delete" she hit "send" and now the world is a much brighter place.

My only problem with the pictures is this: Where are the PEENSTRAVAGANZA shots? I mean, for goodness sakes, his name is SIZEMORE!!! I want to know if that last name is truth-telling or if it's all just a pack of lies.

Dirty Inquiring minds want to know...


Wonder Man said...

he's a hottie, we should thank his girl for posting this pics

Sam said...

Where's the muthafuckin beef?

Gino said...

He may or may not be able to play baseball well, but he takes a good picture!

Anonymous said...

Very very nice!! I know nothing about baseball, but I love him!

Anonymous said...

His father is black, so I'm not sure if he completly qualifies as "white meat". LOL.

Mark in DE said...

For realzz!!

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