At my high school we had a "Future Farmers of America" club, but nothing like this. A "Beard Club" has formed at a high school in Ohio ...
A dozen students have joined, they said, with two male teachers -- both bearded, of course -- serving as advisers. Under a mission statement that emphasizes spreading 'beard awareness and hygiene throughout the school community,' future topics include the history and care of beards, and grooming products. 'Lumberjacks are our icons,' Cole said.
And apparently this isn't the only school with a Beard Club. Read the story from Towleroad HERE.
Now that I think about it, we COULD have had a "Beard Club" at my high school - but its membership would have consisted of the butch gals from the Field Hockey team - most of whom had more facial hair than the boys.
I wonder what really happens on Weekend meetings
Shoot, I heard "Beard Club" and thought it was a group of gals hanging around well-dressed boys who listened to Lady Gaga and The Pet Shop Boys. Wait, that was Drama Club....
Lola -
LOL! There will NEVER be a more aptly-named club in the history of high school clubs than "The DRAMA(!) Club".
Always pure DRAMA!
LOVE that! And the story is from right here!!
Funny thing is that when we were just in San Francisco, I found myself drooling over (uncharacteristically) younger guys who were all sporting trim facial hair.
It may turn me into a Cou-gay yet.
I am SO gay that when i first saw this story yesterday, I thought it was a club for ghirls who date gay men.
Sadly, I was wrong.
@ David Dust
So true David. When LGBT support groups started cropping up in college, my friends wondered about my 'been there, done that' attitude. Duh, we had one in high school & it was drama(!) club!
I still remember the arguments between me and our make-up guy over the amount of pancake and rouge used and if he made the female lead look like a $2 whore....
However, with this 'beard club', is it JUST the beards they are stroking?!
If I only could have grown a beard in high school
This is weird.
Funny C'est moi and Bob!
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