Friday, November 13, 2009

The NEW DavidDust!

You may have noticed the changes here at DavidDust ... you likee?? We are still working out some bugs, but hopefully I'll be able to give you all the hotties, snark, and Arby's talk in a much prettier package by making these changes.

Thanks to the talented team at RJD Productions for setting up the new DavidDust - they have been just WONDERFUL. If you ever need web/flash/print/video management assistance - RJD Productions is the company to call. Check out their website HERE.


Wonder Man said...

I'm excited. Great work, David!

Anonymous said...

Will see you at your new "home"...
Maybe you will be playing the "Jefferson's" theme on your new website. Congrats!!!
LB anon

JenM said...

Don't forget us when you are famous....

JenM said...

Don't forget us when you are famous....

kayce. said...

i'm so proud ~ seriously! keep it up david (and rbj)!

Anonymous said...

The new site is gorgeous, but I am going to miss the Statue of Liberty with your face. But I am jazzed for you. This is awesome.

Ken Riches said...

I tried clicking to the new site and only got the option to install google-chrome. Not sure what I am doing wrong, but please post a few more links over the next couple of days.

mrs.missalaineus said...

congrats! can't wait to see the new place!


Beth said...

Yes, I couldn't get through, either. :( Even tried typing in and it said the link was broken. XOXO

Anonymous said...

Great new look buddy. Continued good luck and best wishes!

SteveA said...

The new look is hot!

Doug said...

congrats on the new digs!

Tivo Mom said...

Love the new look. Had Arby's today in the Baltimore airport and thought of you. Great week!

Joy said...

I click the link on my blog list to get to your blog but couldn't get on here today. Now I can. I see others had the same problem.

Way to go with the new place!

Kyle Leach said...

David, the look is crisp, sharp, and fun. Love it!

Mark in DE said...

Its fresh and modern, just like you!

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