What is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? I will be getting on an Amtrak train to Harrisburg, PA tomorrow morning (cost for a ONE WAY ticket: $87.00!!!!!), and I won't be returning to NYC until Monday, November 30th. While in Pennsylvania, I plan on getting caught up on my blogging (as well as blog-reading), and taking multiple trips to Wal-Mart - as well as visiting with family and friends.
On Thanksgiving Day I will be hanging out with my Stepmom's family, and on Saturday Mama Bunny will do her big feast. Yes, I will basically spend my entire trip with a bowl full of stuffing and gravy in front of me ... just the way I like it.
What are YOU doing for the holiday?...
FYI: ARBYS is closed Thanksgiving and XMAS.............
... But Arby's is OPEN TOMORROW!!
so is Long John Silvers
Hope you have a great trip and holiday :o)
Thursday we are going to Beth's sisters house, and on Friday my folks and stepbrother&wife are coming here for some of my spaghetti.
today is bruno for your ad :D
we are going to tony's parent's unless she gets mad and disowns him again between now and thursday.
Happy Thanksgiving, David! I hope you have a great time visiting your family! Have a safe trip!
Love you always!
Awwwwww - thanks Sweetie. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Oh Dust Bunnies ... the stories I could tell you about Dana and I... You simply wouldn't believe them... :)
We're headed to Mom's early. She decided she wants to put up lights this year, so Art and Adam are on duty. We'll stuff ourselves, then Dad and I will watch what will probably be the last Thanksgiving movie for us.
Have a great holiday and give Mama Bunny a hug from us!
Jennie -
Hug your Dad (and Mom) REALLY tight for me. And savor every second of your time together.
Funny you should ask- the choice was stay at home and cook a fabulous meal that my husband would hate while bemoaning the ending of my fifteen year relationship OR take the kids to my girlfriends of 25 years house and bring along my kick ass bacon/sausage cornbread dressing, the two kids and another butter filled dish or two?
PS... One thing I've learned about you, dear DD.... I'll believe just about ANY story you tell me!
I was gonna say: "Gurl, your gonna get that close to Arby's and eat nothing but turkey and gravy all weekend!?"
I hope you enjoy your holiday with your families. Spouse's mom, brother and sister-in-law are coming Thurs morning and going home on Fri. We are cooking the entire meal. On Sat some friends are coming over to help us eat the left-overs.
$87! The round-trip ticket from Memphis to New Orleans was less than that!
I'm going to Mother's with siblings, children, grandchildren, and Sally!
At least you can go to Arbys this time!!!
12.5 here. .5 is a seven month old baby boy I predict will be passed around and goo-goo-ed at and we'll all embarrass ourselves.
My SILs, BIL, two nieces and nephew-in-laws, Eldest, Daughter and Gorilla Boy and baby.
For the state rivalry game we adding in a couple extra college students who will be heading back to school and crashing here.
The will be crowded but we'll all be very happy. :-)
I'll be seeing your ass in their somewhere!
By the time you come back I should have a pic for you of the new Arbys/Wendys protype being rolled out near their corporate headquarters in Atlanta
Arbys in Atlanta serving Breakfast are open till 1pm thursday
Secondn8 -
You're trying to hurt me, aren't you?!? :)
Have a wonderful holiday. I have the in-laws in town for the week here in Florida (everyone loves a free vacation). I might make it and I might not. I will let you know. Gobble gobble
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