Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dolly Speaks About Michael Jackson

This made me love Dolly Parton even more... and it also choked me up a little.


Dan said...


Eric Arvin said...

I love her so much!

the dogs' mother said...

She's one of the few that seems to be able to handle celebrity and stay warm and genuine.

Ken Riches said...

That was a touching message, she is a great person.

Beth said...

Aww, she is such a sweetheart. XO

mikeinbama said...

Dolly Parton is great!

Anonymous said...

I have always loved Dolly. She's such a sweet soul.

Joy said...

Love Dolly! She does handle celebrity well and has her feet on the ground (in stilettos). She's a smart businesswoman, too.

Anonymous said...

I so love Dolly.did you hear the phone interview with Eliz Taylor? I thought she sort of fell short of the mark, but she's really getting on these days.Somehow I expected she would be out there with the conclave, they were supposedly so close. maybe not with her supporting the gay cause so strongly.

Mark in DE said...

That was sweet.

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