Sunday, July 5, 2009

My July 4th...

Thanks to Aunt Diane, Cristina, Grandmama, Grandpapa and everyone else for giving me such a fantastic day away from the city at their fantastic "family compound".


behrmark said...

Wow what a spread! Looks like there was some good eatin' goin' on!


Angel said...

DAYUM!!!!! They know how to throw a party! Looks fabulous and goooood eatin!!!!

Love you Tranny!


Beth said...

What an amazing party. Are you related to Martha Stewart? Wow! XOXO

Miss Ginger Grant said...

That is a spread that would do Miss Ginger proud!

If anyone set up something like that in Texas yesterday, the ice would have melted and there would have been ptomaine in the potato salad within 15 minutes! It was 104 yesterday!

Mark in DE said...

Wow, that is some spread!! But no swimsuit photos???

Unknown said...


Joy said...

What a feast! I love that gazebo. I'm glad I'm part of your family and not just Auntie Flame in name only! (does that work?) xoxoxoxox

Damn, Miss Ginger, it's cooled off here for a little while, but I think those temps are heading our way.

Wonder Man said...

looks great!!

Trilllian said...

I want to thank you for coming to our picnic! Your the "BEST" and...not only did you help so much that we really enjoyed ourselves this year!!! I owe you!!! Everyone one enjoyed meeting you! You are our in house celebrity! Our friend everone has heard so much about! And the pictures you took! Wow!!!!

Love you bunches xoxoxox Aunt Diane, Cristina and Grandmama

Kitty Bradshaw said...

Next time can I get an invite... they had one hellava spread laid out, lollll.

David Dust said...

Joy -

"Aunt Diane" is my aunt, just like YOU are my "Auntie Flame". And YES, we're all family!!!


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