Monday, May 26, 2008

Thank You...


Joy said...

Yes! Our troops have been sent back so many times and had to stay longer than they are supposed to. They have gone far beyond the call of duty, and I appreciate them, too. I just wish they could all have come home safe and sound and hope this is over soon.

David Dust said...

Joy - from your lips to God's ears.

Or, more accurately, from your keyboard to God's monitor...

Soldiers, like teachers, need to be given MUCH more compensation and respect for the important jobs they do.

Anonymous said...

Nice sensitive selection of photos. I was surprised somehow, but I was moved at your gesture.
Even as a kid I used to be moved( for the wrong reasons perhaps) by the old veterans in Memorial day parades.They were in all coditions, and all manner of dress. VFW hats or American legion, tired old suits instead of uniforms, medals on their suits seemed out of place and ostentatious. Even then, I was saying to myself...people just don't know. And as pathetic and poor as these men appeared, they were proud enough to march for something that should not be forgotten but honored....their best friends of their youth and strength who lost their lives.
Thanks David.

Angel said...

sometimes, thank you just doesn't seem like enough, does it? it breaks my heart every time I hear of another soldier killed...esp. the young ones, who haven't even started their lives yet.

They all need to come home soon as Obama is President! ;)

did you BBQ yesterday Tranny?

SailorAlphaCentauri said...

That last image is going to stay with me for awhile. It's not something that most people think of when they think of our men and women in the military.

We need to bring them home.

David Dust said...

Sailor - When I came across the last pic, I cried myself.

Yes, we need these brave guys and gals back home ASAP. And once they're home, we need to TAKE CARE OF THEM.

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