Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Top Chef Tonight!

Don't forget - Top Chef tonight on Bravo at 10:00 pm (EST). We should finally get to the final four. Who do you think is going home?

As always, my recap should be up sometime late tomorrow afternoon. Be patient, my darling Dust Bunnies...


mikeinbama said...

Hey buddy, I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend. I'll be looking forward to reading your recap with my culinary boner in hand.

Anonymous said...

I thought last Saturday you were going to post one on this. did I miss it or didn't I find it . Loved the rest of your offerings anyway. I will certainly reserve, between innings,time for tonight's show and look for your reality check tomorrow.
Joy and I are guessing each other's "types" with your man photos. It's fun. At our age we make puffy white sandwich bread for these solid meat servings.

Psychomom said...

I think Lisa is going home (I'd prefer Spike, please, thank you, fingers crossed).

Only because hers was the first voice I heard when they were announcing the final four show. I figured it was their way of giving her 5 more minutes before they sent her packing.

I've been MIA a bit but I missed you and can't wait to read your recap!

Joy said...

Please Moana Lisa!! Please!

Joy said...

LOL, Mike! Good one.

Davie - Love you, Tranny! xoxoxoxox

Timmy said...

I bet Lisa screws up the rice again and goes home.

Nanc Twop said...

Seems like our Mad(Ass)Hatter and pals went on quite a rollercoaster ride tonight...

Will be fun to see you recap the trip! ;-)

- my Top Chef posts

theminx said...

I. wanna. recap!

Joy said...

I don't call you Davie - that was a typo. (but I will if you want me to - can't imagine that)

I haven't watched it yet because I was way too tired last night from walking so much yesterday. Yes, I know - way too sedentary! I'll watch it later on and read your recap when I do.


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