Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm Not Going...

Bottom line: I'm scared to death. Dan will hate me, but I'm a wuss when it comes to wind and flying. As a matter of fact, Dan is probably the reason I waited so long to come to this decision. I'm so sorry, but I just can't do it. The airline and hotel will let me reschedule with no upcharges.
No posts for awhile...


Romance said...

Hey, glad you are taking care of yourself. Flying in storms is so not fun. I was thinking about you when I was reading about all the emergency prep activities in NO. I was a tad worried because they are letting people take their pets (hooray) on the evacuation buses - so I knew it was way serious and wondered how that level of disaster readiness might be for your holiday.

So sorry that you are ending up with a Staycation....


Joy said...

I know you're disappointed, but it's better to avoid danger. If the hurricane hits, we'll all be thankful you weren't there. If it misses all the coast (which I hope), then you still did what you felt was best. That's all we can do. It will be OK.

I'm glad you can reschedule.

Marker said...

Who is Dan and why will hate you?

Joy said...

Poor Baby! I feel so bad for you. xoxoxoxo

kayce. said...

awwwwwwwww... babe, i am so sorry! i know you were looking so forward to this, and my heart is just hurting for you. =((

Unknown said...

I think that you made the right decision - the airline and hotel are both going to let you change your itinerary, so you can go some other time... so you're not ditching Dan, you're just delaying the trip so that when you do go down, it can be a stress-free visit. Stay well

Anonymous said...

I think it is the right decision. I understand you are upset but look forward to another trip in the near future that is already paid for. Try to have a good Labor Day.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that you will not be going at this time, but understand the reasons and empathize with you. I also am really happy to read you can reschedule with no upcharges.....very good news!!! Enjoy the rest of your vacay ......

A hug to your kitty and a Hi to you mom....

LB Anon

mikeinbama said...

I think you made a decision that was best for you. You DON NOT want to be stuck in New Orleans if anything was to happen.

wacky said...

Hey David,

I'm in the same boat. We had plans/tickets to go as well but the hotel advised us that once the city issues an evacuation notice all hotels will close and you'll only have hours to get yourself out of the city. She was basically saying "Don't come".

And I don't think they'll be anyone there - visitors or locals. No one's taking chances. And with the Republican Convention happening next week, the authorities are being hyper sensitive and extra cautious.

So we're thinking we're not going as well. Sad. But there's always next time.


dancinmachine said...

That's not wussy. That's smart. New Orleans in a possibly catastrophic storm does not fun make.

Psychomom said...

You got to listen to your insticts, there will be safer time to visit soon so have some fun at home this weekend. Hell, I wish I was in New York City!!!

Maria said...

Oh David, I am sorry that you are cancelling. But I think you are making the right choice. Parts of Texas are already starting evacuation prep, so it is probably for the best. I hope that you do get to reschedule and go on your well deserved vacation soon.

David said...

Dude, I'm a happy regular reader ... STAY the f***k home! And don't give it another thought. Some things you just don't screw around with. Look at it this way, aren't you glad technology gives you a heads up?! Bank the ticket. Go next year. xox DH

theminx said...

Aww...sorry about that, but I totally understand. I probably would wuss out too. And how fun would NO be under water? None, I tell ya.


Cuz_I'm_The_Mom said...

Now that you're not going to NOLA, the storm probably won't hit there and will probably hit here. Damn you, hurricane karma! I'd better get out the storm window covers and stock up on tequila.

Have a great weekend, sweetie. And you are NOT a wuss. If flying were part of the equation, I might have done the same thing!

Angel said...

WHATTTTTTTTT???????????!!!!!! TRANNY!!!!! Don't be such a baby...get your big butt on that plane and go and have a good time with Dan. I mean it.

and why no posts for a while?????

Anonymous said...

We'd rather have you safe and sound...really, than get your notes in scattered pieces of rain soaked paper from the sky. After all, even Christmas comes every year. Remember we dust bunnies are your responsibility now- you can't orphan us.

Anonymous said...

Listen to your instincts. I'm sure Dan will understand. *hug*

the dogs' mother said...

LISTEN to your gut instinct!
The news stories, all day, are backing up your decision. We would miss your updates if you ended up paddling around in the Gulf with only seagulls for company.

Anonymous said...

Oh D...
Come to Vermont... we Beaver Pond girls will have you forgetting all about that... other man.

Anonymous said...

As someone who lives smack-dab in the middle of the hurricane's projected path, you'd have to be crazy to come down here now. Good call.

Anonymous said...

You were smart not to listen to me. it just goes to show: never trust a drag queen! Glad you're safe! Hope I am- check my blog for the latest! Love ya!

Dan said...

girl - I do not hate you! Yu did what you needed to do. You are not the only person that cancelled.



Anonymous said...

So this means you will give us a PR update:)

Meeg said...

Don't feel bad. You made the right decision. I'm down in New Orleans right now and I'm having to cut my stay short, plus a lot of places are closed... You'll have much more fun visiting another time :)

Anonymous said...

I've read with delight how excited you were to go to Southern Decadence! I'm sorry you didn't get to go. t was probably the best decision. Cheer up and keep inspiring all of us KC Dust Bunnies!
Mike S.

Mark in DE said...

Although it makes me sound like my mother, I will say "Better safe than sorry."

Mark :-)

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