Thank you all for the kind words on my one year blogiversary. I would like to share one comment in particular that literally made me cry this morning. It is from Dust Bunny Cuz_I’m_The_Mom:
Happy Blogiversary, David Dust. I never mentioned this before but for some reason, your blog is the first one I've ever read. I was looking for info on one of the contestants of Design Star and you popped up! And I'm so very glad you did.
You see, I lost my Mom in February after a long illness. We were very close and shared a warped and sarcastic sense of humor. I've been really down and out. Not sleeping much. Dreaming awful dreams when I do sleep. Lately though, laughing out loud at your words has really made a difference, especially in light of Mama Bunny's obvious connection with you. Give that hilarious woman a big hug after you read this, please. She's a gem!I probably should have sent this to you in an email or something, but I think it might be a good thing for folks to know how we can sometimes really help others, even when we don't know.The sleeping is getting better and the dreams are starting to be happy memories of Mom. I hope that you'll keep doing what you do and know that you really made a big difference in what has been a really shitty year so far.Love ya!
I am touched beyond words - and I don't know how to respond. You don't know how much hearing this means to me - thank you.
My Dust Bunnies are incredible…
wow...isn't it amazing how you touch people's lives Tranny? Keep it up, cuz you are fierce! Oops! I meant FIERCE!!!!
love ya
Very cool. Go DDust.
We never know how much we touch the lives of other people. I'm so glad she wrote to tell you this. Wow! I'm sure you feel honored and humbled.
Yes, you are FIERCE! xoxoxox
That's so sweet!
That was so sweet! And I'm glad she's sleeping better, too.
We're all here for a reason, and it's great to see that you've been a great help to Cuz_I'm_The_Mom.
And give Mama Bunny a kiss from me. She's earned it!
Its true, its true. I believe we all affect other people's lives (for good and for bad) most of the time without knowing it. The key is to always affect them for good.
You're a good man, David Dust!
Mark :-)
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