Carrie Bradshaw and the girls premiered the Sex and the City movie yesterday in London – much to the chagrin of the New York press. It seems we are a little possessive of our ladies here in NYC, and the New York newspapers were a little snarky this morning. The movie won’t be released in United States until May 30th.

Sarah Jessica Parker wore London fashion from head to toe – with shoes and dress by Alexander McQueen, topped off by a Philip Treacy hat. Treacy is the famed London milliner who has designed hats for everyone from Boy George to Camilla (the Duchess of Cornwall). SJP has gotten mixed reviews in the press for her outfit, but I think Mrs. Matthew Broderick is the ONLY person in the world who could pull it off. I think she looks fierce, fabulous, flawless, and ferosh. And the next time I see her or her husband on the streets of the Village (which I do quite often), maybe I’ll say something.
love her, love her, love her!! she can totally pull that off...me?..i'd be walking around with my head between my legs...wait...scratch that..forget I even said that!
but I still love her and you see her hubby? oh, ti live in NY with you!!!! we would have so much fun being snarky about all the people we pass on the street...but we gotta have Joy too!!
love you Tranny!
I agree. She looks great. The hat is a little out there, but she is so fabulous it doesn't matter.
I agree - the hat is out there AND fabulous. And besides, who wears hats anymore? If your gonna do it - do it BIG. And she went big.
And by the way - SJP and Matthew Broderick's son is a BRAT. I almost smacked him one day in the stationary store.
I agree - SJP is one of very few people who could get away with wearing that hat and not looking like an imbecile. She makes it cute and fashionable.
Darling Dust Bunnies - if The Minx thinks her outfit is cute and fashionable - then it IS cute and fashionable. My darling Kathy knows her stuff!!!
I was sweating bullets hoping Kathy wasn't going to say I was out of my mind for liking it!
I've always been a fan of SJP's daring fashion sense, and I adore Sex and the City, but - I can not condone that hat. It looks like a skinny pheasant landed on her head!
And how STUNNING does Cynthia Nixon look???
Mark :-)
david! they live a block from me and i see them everywhere!! to the point of ridiculousness. it's like, stop stalking me, i want to see other celebs too!
we should get coffee in the village and make fun of people! :)
Joe - seriously, why can't they be like REAL celebs and only travel with huge entourages in caravans of SUV's! If SJP needs tampons, I don't want to know about it!! And that bratty child of theirs ... don't even get me started. CUTE, but bratty.
We MUST get together sometime and dish...
ooooh I wanna get together and dish too....I love a good bratty celebrikid!!
I can't agree on this one, David. I love Sex and the City, but this hat was trying way too hard. Remember the episode with Burger and the bad hat? Well this one is worse. I love hats but a more elegant one please. And the color was no good for her skin. Am I in a bad mood today?
Yay! Love them all. They all look great. Yay Kristin, Yay Cynthia, Yay KIM! I'm glad DDust's blog is an SATC-related-snark-free zone (thus far at least).
Maybe one day that show will get old, but for me, not yet - no way no how.
Kwana - I have to disagree. In ANY other situation she would look ridiculous. And yes, taken on it's own that HAT is ridiculous. But this is CARRIE BRADSHAW (well not really, it's SJP - but you know what I mean) at the LONDON premiere of SATC! I think she went for it and pulled it off.
With that being said, if someone simply showed me her picture in that outfit WITHOUT the explanation above, I would have spit out my Diet Dr. Pepper in shock. So I see where you're coming from, trust me... :)
And dear Marker - you will NOT hear any SATC snark coming from ME! I cried my eyes out when that show ended - it was like I lost four good girlfriends. But now I have you, Dan, Beth, Joy, and all the rest of my Dust Bunnies ... which takes away some of the pain. :)
Fair Warning: NOBODY better say NOTHIN' bad about Carrie, Miranda, Samantha, and Charlotte. I WILL cut a bitch.
Love you all - love your hair!!!!
"...does anybone still wear a hat? I'll drink to that." -Ladies Who Lunch
Why did the movie premiere in London?
Timmy - Aaaah...Elaine Stritch!!!
They said they are "buiding up" to the NYC premiere. I guess sorta like an out-of-town opening...
These girls remind me of four drunken bitches from Harrisburg from years ago,I think? And to anwser the question if it's to big,it can never be to big !!And as you know girl, I'm still keeping millners in the buss,and wearing lovely object d'art upon my head! From flowers to birds it's all there.
I'm surprised the premiere wasn't in NYC because the city is one of the characters. LOVE that show and miss it - can't wait for the movie! Nothing equals it.
Their child is a brat? I wouldn't have thought that because both of them seem to be so kind to each other, but I know how that goes. Interesting to learn that. Maybe he has Asperger's like my grandson, the Little Weirdo. My daughter-in-law reminds me of SJP in many ways. (logic? who needs it?)
Thank you, TrannyBeth. Yes, we need to be there and dish and be snarky and have fabulous fierce fun!
That was a sweet thing to say, DD. Awww ... :-)
All four of them look great. Cynthia Nixon seems more beautiful than before which is remarkable after cancer treatment. The hat is a lot much but SJP can pull it off. She is dressing as Carrie there. Kim and Kristin look wonderful as always, too. I keep watching reruns of SATC over and over and can almost speak the lines with them now. I know what you mean, Marker.
I get your pain David. I was a sad girl for a long time when BUT I'm still not a fan of this outfit and I'm a huge fan of SJP's. I even ran to my local mall to get some of her cheapie Bitten clothes. I snagged some tees and a cute bag on day 1!
I'm blogging on the hat tomorrow. Stop on by and chime in. You know I love ya!
Oh Kwana - you know I love you right back girl!! I will definitely stop by tomorrow and chime in...
And BTW - I LOVE Steve & Barry's. I am wearing my STARBURY sneakers RIGHT NOW! I like my clothes/shoes cheap and cute ... just like my men!! :)
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