Thursday, February 26, 2009

David Dust Does Drag!

Months ago I posted about THIS fantastic free avatar-generator - where I created this version of myself (back when I had hair) ...

Yesterday our darling Grand Duchess of Dust Bunnies - Joy - POSTED some new avatars that she had done. This prompted me to doll myself up and do some virtual drag...

Night Out On The Town Drag...

Business Woman Drag...

Take Me Out To The Ball Game Drag...

Peace, Bitch Drag...

It seems that Dust Bunny Bob had the same idea I did - and the bitch even stole one of my wigs!


Beth said...

Business Woman DD looks WAY too uptight. She needs to say hello to ET's finger. ;)


Anonymous said...

Shameless parading of your alter egos. Tsk Tsk Tsk. and lol lol lol

David Dust said...

Beth -

I think even Boy David could use a visit from E.T...


Angel said...

I made an avatar with the Peace Bitches sign too!!!! Great minds think alike, huh? ;)


David Dust said...

TrannyBeth - I want to see!!!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

I love Peace Bitch DeeDee the best. DeeDee Dust Grant has to be your drag name!!! Because you are from the House of Grant! And i would be proud to be your Drag Momma!

David Dust said...

Darling Mother Ginger

"Dee Dee Grant" it shall be.


Joy said...

I like Peace Bitch Dee Dee Grant the best too! The first one and Bob would be the Peace Bitch Labelle Sisters! The Ball Park one looks like Dana Carvey from Wayne's World.

Love you! Love your cute faces!


Bob said...

You makin' fun of my Eva Gabor wig?
$9.99 and all mine!


Mark in DE said...


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