Monday, February 16, 2009

I LOVE Getting Presents!

I wanted to mention the generosity of two Dust Bunnies who actually took the time to buy/make/send/give me gifts over the weekend.

First of all, my top Dust Bunny from Toronto - code named "Dust Bunny Judge Judy" - recently read about my red kitchen and asked me for my address. Over the weekend I received a lovely red mail caddy and the most adorable "devil" digital clock/timer. Thank you, Your Honor!!! And I am buying you a drink the next time you're in NYC - you better call me.

And my darling "sister" - the Mistress Maddie - made her famous Sand Tart cookies and brought them to me this weekend. Maddie even put NUTS on some of them, because she knows how much I love nuts!!!! And let me tell you, that huge box of cookies is almost gone. Or "almost all", as we would say back in Central Pennsylvania.

Thanks to both of you for being so thoughtful!!


Angel said...

oh man those cookies look good!!!! getting stuff in the mail is fun, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

Yummy! Nothing better than friends bearing cookies!

Unknown said...

With the right attire, Mistress Maddie could have gone down to the corner and sold them as Girl Scout Cookies and paid for an additional delivery of alcohol.

David Dust said...

This is a GREAT idea - I'm sure Maddie still has her old "Brownie" uniform. She was kicked out before becoming a true Girl Scout - something about "moral standards" ... Or was that "oral"? ...

Mistress Maddie said...

Your right Mamie. I did get kicked out. But to this day I have excellent oral skills!

Howard -that is a excellent idea. Now, where did I put that damn uniform?

Renee said...

Awww how sweet. Getting presents rocks!

Anonymous said...

Makes me think of Shamwow guy when he says " you'll love my nuts"

Mark in DE said...

David Dust is preferred by 7 out of 8 Helens, and Dust Bunnies alike!!!

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