Wednesday, February 18, 2009

God Told Him To Quit (During A Recession)

The Right Wingnutosphere is ecstatic about Albert Thompson (above) - a personal banker at Chevy Chase Bank in Virginia. Mr. Thompson became upset by his bank's new policy of accepting Mexican consulate I.D. cards to open new accounts, instead of the usual social security card/number.

So Albert prayed to the Baby Jeebus (seriously), and guess what?!? The Sweet Baby Jeebus told him to QUIT HIS JOB. Because God obviously hates Mexicans - especially the ones who may have tricked the Mexican consulate into providing them with fake identification. In Mr. Thompson's Bible, there is a special place in Hell for undocumented workers - right between the child molesters and the blasphemers.

So the extremely stupid (but devout) Mr. Thompson quit his bank job in the middle of a banking meltdown and recession. Dumbass.

Seriously Dude - WTF?? Why do you give a crap if someone who has money and has approved identification wants to deposit said money into your bank? I may not be a banker, but it seems to me that more money in your bank = a good thing. And what does religion have to do with any of this?

I certainly hope you don't apply for unemployment benefits. Because I heard the Baby Jeebus hates lazy welfare recipients almost as much as he hates Mexicans.

Read more about this dumbassery from Joe.My.God HERE.


Anonymous said...

there is no end to these people's douchery-

didn't the christian right use god 'told me' and patriotism as an excuse for lynching- how soon some people forget!

Anonymous said...

God must not be much of a banker then, because that sector of banking was one of the biggest growth areas before the economy went into the tank. Immigrants need to put their money in a safe place too, people.

"God told me." It never ceases to amaze me that people who say they value living a responsible life abandon it so quickly by saying 'god told me'.

kayce. said...

i love when people do exactly what the hell they want to do (i.e. usu their first reaction, despite the "soul searching") and say "god guided me". bullshit. take responsibility for your own dumbassery (loves the word as usu, david). i am sure some right wing lug nut will give him a job doing SOMETHING, sadly ~ it would be sort of nice if he actually had to suffer repercussions for being stupid, but as they say "shit floats". also, idc if the new rnc chair is black, i am still disturbed by black republicans...

the dogs' mother said...

Does he need a bailout?

Bob said...

You know, it seems like every day a new layer is peeled back and there's a whole new level of stupid.

Anonymous said...

God told me that guy is a big dumbass. In just those words.

Anonymous said...

From now on, Mr. Thompson and you fellow bible-thumping morons, try to use more common sense than learning by heart a book of contradictions. It would not hurt!

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that even though Obama is our President, the fight still goes on. The religious right wingnuts are not going to stop unless we stop them.

Psychomom said...

Oralé, I needed a good laugh! Gracias pendejo!

Te Amo David!

mikeinbama said...

I don't think this is the whole story on why he quit is job. Something is missing because this bitches wife wouldn't let him quit a job. If he's not single or divorced, he will be soon with NO JOB.

Wonder Man said...

a mess, just a mess

Unknown said...

Seems as though idiocy is still alive and thriving in this country. I know that 'cause God told me himself. Then he giggled.

Anonymous said...

he look real smart,how cum you dis him.
People do get righteous about the damndest things

Marker said...

God told me that he has total gay face.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what people are getting so worked up about.

He FREED UP a job for someone.

I'm all for nutbags quitting. Let's get some sane people employed.

Mark in DE said...

In VA you can not receive unemployment benefits if you quit. But I'm sure Jesus will provide.

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