Friday, February 27, 2009


From Amuse-Biatch. Now we all know that both Hosea and Leah broke up with their pieces after they bumped uglies onscreen. Does this mean these two bitches are humping on the regular?? I guess they had to keep it secret until The Hose was announced the winner. Gross.


Renee said...


Now where can I get my hands on the video of Toby telling Marcel to shut up?

Anonymous said...

There was a visual I did not need.

Anonymous said...

Oh, ICK!

Love you David, but can we let The Hose and his skanky one just fade into reality-tv sunset? I saw enough of him on the repeat of the final last night, and want to hear nothing more from Mr. Immature.

Yes, I'm still bitter that he won over Stephan & Carla...

Bob said...

My eyes!!!!

the dogs' mother said...

Oh. Dear. But not surprising when you think about it - classless to the end.

Kwana said...

You are so full of info. Hey that's where we have our romance reading salon. I may have to steal this from you too! Loves you David.

Unknown said...

Ugh. I blame Tom C for this. I don't know if I will ever forgive him.

Anonymous said...

well neither is humping me...I'm okay with it.

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