According to Towleroad, three gay friends were attacked on Friday night outside of McCoys - a Hell's Kitchen (straight) bar that happens to be across the street from my apartment.
Radio DJ Blake Hayes recounted the experience on his blog:
This is pretty scary, considering I walk past McCoys every single day.
Radio DJ Blake Hayes recounted the experience on his blog:
"Walking down this usual block, a friend turned when a lit cigarette butt was thrown at him. 'Keep moving, faggot.' We all stopped, shocked to hear these words in what is normally such an accepting, gay-friendly neighborhood, in New York, such an open-minded city. We exchanged words, more and more heated, until he started to approach us, threatening violence. Before we knew it, he had thrown one friend against a car, denting it. The other took two punches to the face, cutting his lip before the bouncer at McCoy's came out and stopped him. We called the police. They arrived -- 5 cops or so, from at least 2 cars. They talked to the guy who assaulted us. They asked us what happened. We recounted the story. The cops -- the NYPD -- did NOTHING. They wouldn't even take the guy's information so we could file a claim later, or even run the plates of the car whose body was dented from him throwing my friend into it. 'They're NJ plates, we can't do anything.'"
NYPD's response was unacceptable- it's a shame they didn't get the badge numbers of the officers. The owner of McCoy's needs to be a good neighbor and add some security!
Girl- get a gun - open your window and start shooting the fag haters across the street and see how fast the cops get there. :) not that I am promoting violence agaist straights or anything like that, I mean they are all so loving and caring and all......
I am stunned that something like that happened in a city like NYC. Be careful, if that is the attitude that officers in that precint have regarding that kind of violence.
Too bad I wasn't there ...
That is really scary! And wrong!
In this era of unbridled rage nothing surprises me any longer. A 16 year old student is beaten to death for not wanting to join a gang, a gay man is assaulted when walking down the street. I think this is all fueled by the right wing crazies like Glenn and Rush and, it seems a whole lot of this began with Sarah Palin who seemed to stir in some people a sense of hatred not seen in a very long time. Where are the moderate Republicans who can and should call out these idiots and tell them to stop. William Buckley called out the John Birch Society, and it is again time for a right wing intellectual to speak up.
I would walk on the other side of the street...but then I tend to take the path of least resistance.
LB anon
Beeeeeee careful!!
This is horrible...watch your back...
Your friends need to report those responding officers, possibly even sue the police department. If they make some noise about this, the next time something like this happens, the police will know they can't get away with ignoring it.
This new reader loves your blog by the way, though I'm mostly a lurker.
cjcat -
Thanks for the comment! And you are no longer allowed to be just a lurker, because you are officially a Dust Bunny!!! Welcome to the family...
Dan - I seriously could shoot the drunks outside of McCoys from my roommate's window!! And I'm not a bad shot, either ... all those years of shooting a BB Gun when I was a kid, ya know...
That is very shocking girl! In this time and age let alone in NEW YORK CITY no less that this would be going on. Appauling! They do do some high stepping there extra just to make sure no bashings. And the guys should definietly get some information on the cops there that night. You want to borrow my pea shooter girl? Open that window.
This is awful. I belong to a writer's group at Ensemble Studio Theatre and we go to McCoy's almost every week after our meeting.
I'm one of the only gay people in the group, and I've sometimes felt a little uncomfortable. I thought I was just being paranoid.
Guess I'll have to think twice before going again.
Ho's Please. Badge Number Ms. G? Fuck that.
Just once I would like someone to even think about gay bashing my ass.
Girl you better call an ambulance, cause I'm getting ready to tear some shit up.
And no I'm not endorsing violence, I'm endorsing self defense, and if a ass whooping comes with it, so be it.
Grow a pair ho's, aint no way their should be such a thing as gay bashing.
All Dustbunnies remember this at the DDBW2. Dont piss off TUG!
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