Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Welcome To The Gun Show


behrmark said...

So last week while my coworker and I were walking back from lunch here in downtown LA, we passed a guy with incredible biceps. Being the loyal dust bunny I am, I said "Hello, welcome to the gun show!" My companion burst out laughing resulting in a look of "Huh" from the gun-toting hottie. Ahhh....good times.
Behr Hugs!

David Dust said...

Behrmark -

You receive a Dust Bunny Gold Star today!!!


Eric Arvin said...

I feel juiced up after looking at these pics!Yum.

Wonder Man said...

love the 3rd one

Anonymous said...

the mulatto guy in # 5 is sammi, a BB from bahrain (or one of the other gulf states).


Marker said...

#4 - Zeb Atlas!! Yum yum yum yum.

Anonymous said...

hmm, i take that back. it looks like sammi but may not be him. hard to tell with the glasses on.

Mark in DE said...

Sweet baby Jesus lyin' in the manger!!! These guys are HOT!

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