Monday, September 14, 2009

Project Runway's Logan and His Magical Shiny Jeans

On the last episode of Project Runway, Logan Neitzel mesmerized the 2nd-String Judges with his cute smile and his Magical Shiny Jeans...

Logan isn't my "type" (I prefer my guys to look like they've spent quality time in a Prison Yard), but I have to admit, Logan is cute. However, I don't know how much longer he'll be around if he keeps designing Smurf Prom dresses - so he might want to keep wearing those jeans.

Thanks to Howard for sending me the pics.


Wonder Man said...

he is cute

C'est moi, c'est moi Lola said...

Enh. Shirtless - he's got some good definition. However, his chicken legs I could never approve of.

But I hope the producers keep him, because this season needs some T&A. Without it and the crack-smoking, model-dissing judges, I'd fall asleep.

Joy said...

(I prefer my guys to look like they've spent quality time in a Prison Yard)

You crack me up! Attracted to the bad Papis! Yep, we know!


Unknown said...

You are welcome. I think he is cute as a button, just way too young for me. What can I say...?

Miss Ginger Grant said...

I have serious issues with his hairstyls and accessory choices...
but he (and the jeans) are cute!

BeckEye said...

Yes, Howard, whoever you are. Thank you for those pictures.

I do the PR recaps at Starpulse, and they may take it away from me soon because my recaps are getting progressively more Logan-centric. But I'm not just a silly girl who's rooting for the hottie. I actually do like his clothes. The clothes he designs. The clothes he wears - yeah, he can take those off and leave them off. He does kind of have chicken legs, but what the hell. Those shiny jeans would look good on my bedroom floor.

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