Glee continues to get better with each episode. The past two shows have dealt with FIERCE gay boy Kurt (played by Chris Colfer, above) coming out to his friends and family. And last night - fulfilling every sissy's wildest fantasy - he led the football team to victory. Right after the team worked some Beyonce...
But the best part came at the very end, when Kurt came out to his Dad. I literally laughed through my tears when his Dad replied "Yeah, I've known since you were three. All you wanted for your birthday was a pair of sensible heels". Scenes like this could end up being really offensive if done wrong - on Glee, they seem to do everything right.
{{in my best Kanye voice}} "Glee, Ima let you finish, but that was the BEST EPISODE OF ALL TIME!"
I keep missing this and need to set the DVR. The previews for it look good and your post makes me know I want to see it.
David, I started watching this because of your recommendation and I have to say, I LOVE IT! Also, I am now your neighbor in the lovely town of Pervertville because I think the bad boy football player (the real babydaddy) is smoking hot.
All in all a great show.
I agree. It keeps getting better and better. The football scene was classic, and the father/son chat at the end was very touching. Plus, Jane Lynch...LOVE.HER.
Unlike Ugly Betty, where they can't even admit that Justin is gay and involve him in whitewashed storylines. That last one in which he met someone at his school at a competition, almost became boyfriends with him, only for that boyfriend to dump him because he didn't want his high school friends to know he was gay (or dancer) was pretty bad.
And then there was Heroes and having someone mind away Zach's gay.
I keep forgetting this is on! UGH!! And I've loved the parts of scene of episodes. I think I'll just have to add this to netflix and catch it when season 1 comes out!
Kurt reminds me of my darling brother, who would either change from Diana Prince into his alter ego by spinning around, or defend himself with his martial arts skills developed from imitating Mrs. Piggy!!
Damn you, David Dust. I watched that clip and teared up at work. I have limited cool points left in my lifetime, and more just went out the window!
I haven't been watching the show, but I loved that clip! It made me tear up, too! XOXO
I really liked this episode. Very cute
As "Sue C's it", this was the best episode so far. We were cheering when Kurt and his father hugged.
For everyone that's missed it, you can watch all four episodes on hulu.com. I had to do that for episode 3, 'cuz my post-work nap ran long.
"My name is Kurt and I will be auditioning for the role of kicker"
Made my day
Love this show. Loved the episode. The coming out scene?I was yelling at the tv, "He already knows!" before the dad confirmed what I thought. And then he said it and I teared up. Can't wait to see what happens next.
DQ and I were laughing so hard we were crying when the football team was working it to Beyonce. Oh My GOD! This is such good TV.
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