Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Am So Disappointed...

...my stalker is FEMALE! What a let-down ... I was beginning to sense a connection between myself and Anonymous. Until she let the CAT out of the bag (so to speak) in one of her many comments I rejected yesterday - that she was just a bitter gal who can't get enough of me. Poor thing.

She also sent me a picture...

However, I think it's a fake. I suspect that THIS is my stalker's real picture...


Eric Arvin said...

LMAO! I'll stalk you, David.

Dan said...

OMG! I bet it really is Lady Caca

Anonymous said...

Those photos are being too kind.


Angel said...

LOLOLOLOL!!!!!! ahhh, I love you Tranny.


mikeinbama said...

I bet your stalker is a toothless hillbilly with a gross scar on her face....LOL

Big Mark 243 said...

That was too funny ... she STILL could resemble mikeinbama's description ... that was her Glamour Shot photo taken at the Super Walmart strip mall!

Beth said...

Hahaha! Mark is right--they can really do amazing things with heavy makeup and a vaseline-smeared lens. XOXO

Gary said...

If that's really her, she's cross-eyed! I'd be pissed off at the world too if I was an unattractive, cross-eyed Amy Winehouse knock-off. Although I think guys who are cross-eyed are kinda cute.

Gary said...

Oh and I forgot, she's got buck teeth! She would have no problem eating an apple through a pickett fence.

Wonder Man said...

crazy pic

mrs.missalaineus said...

is it someone we know that left their blight elsehwhere on peeps we both know on teh interwebz????


Joy said...

Seriously? Anonymous is female? So much rage and hate. She must be an evangelical redneck skank.

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