I walked home from work on Thursday, and these are some of the things I saw on my journey...

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What great photos! I want to go to Rainbows and Triangles next time I'm in the city!
Glad you are back into the walking mode, good for you :o)
It's good to hear your taking steps forward Sis.
whew! You could have gotten arrested taking a picture of the no loitering sign!! But you wouldn't have run into a SKUNK!
I love it when you do this TRanny....I love to see NYC from your perspective instead of my "tourist" one.
I love you
The next time you go by John Barrlett's send him my love and a kiss from the Mistress would you dear?
Ooo, love the pics. Ken and I have been discussing the possibility of an east coast visit next year. Philly, NYC...I'll keep you posted!
Happy to see you walking home David. Nice pics of the city.
Great walking tour! Love the last shot of that building lit up by the setting sun.
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