Sunday, September 13, 2009

Two Of My Favorite Blogs...

First of all, please go HERE and read this hilarious post on Dlisted about Babydaddy Levi Johnston and his plans to get nekkid in print. In my opinion, Dlisted's Michael K is the absolute funniest blogger on teh Innerwebz - and I bow at the hysterical feet of the Master.

Secondly, one of my all-time favorite blogs - DWIGHT SUPREMACY - is back! Dwight, who was one of the first bloggers to ever link to DavidDust, took some time off - but now he has returned for our viewing pleasure. And he's already featured some of his patented SIRveillance photos...

In honor of Dwight Supremacy's return, I have made him the latest "Featured Dust Bunny Blogger" (see sidebar). Welcome back Dwight!!


Miss Ginger Grant said...

I am SO GLAD SIRveilance is back!!! I missed it SOOOOO much!!!!

Beth said...

So Levi's thinking about gettin' nekkid and will probably get paid several thousand for it...wonder what Bristol is doing? How's that single mom thing working for ya? Idiotic abstinence-only cretins....


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