Tuesday, July 22, 2008

George W. Bush Trying To Sell His "Prop" Crawford Ranch

George W. Bush won't be "clearing brush" at his fake-ass ranch in Crawford, TX much longer. Read more here (from DailyKos). Once you read that, click here for more information on "The Western White House". You'll be glad you did.


Lorraine said...

I think a ceremonial burning is in order, meself.

Anonymous said...

David Heymann, then an associate professor of architecture at the University of Texas at Austin, designed the four-bedroom [2] ...

The passive-solar house is positioned to absorb winter sunlight, warming the interior walkways and walls of the residence. Geothermal heat pumps circulate water through pipes buried 300 feet (100 m) deep in the ground. A 25,000 US gallon (151 m³) underground cistern collects rainwater gathered from roof urns; wastewater from sinks, toilets, and showers cascades into underground purifying tanks and is also funneled into the cistern. The water from the cistern is then used to irrigate the landscaping around the home.

Unknown said...


As a gay man, I have been happily 'bush-free' for a very long time. So I couldn't vote for daddy nor son. But they still infiltrate my life, and managed to disgust me. That website is just repugnant.

Timmy said...

PUHLEEZE don't get me started on him before I've had my SBUX fix for the day! That whole thing about living in Crawford is a f_cking farce.

I'm not sure who gets the worst deal. Him living in Dallas or his daddy living part of the time down the road a few miles from me. Actually the first Bush has been a good part-time Houstonian.

Anonymous said...

How can we not appreciate the sacrifices this man makes for his country? whoops...Western White House? why aren't you going there instead of New Orleans...I don't understand it. Think you'd rate a worm eaten burro or would you and Dan just "hoof it in?"

Angel said...

HA! What a conceited jerk he is...I can't wait for Obama to get in the White House!!

Joy said...

I can't believe he hasn't been tried for war crimes and impeached for what he's done to the Constitution. The list goes on, and all of those bastards will probably get by with it. His next home needs to be at Gitmo.

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