Rep. Joe Wilson (R-Asslickistan) yelled "You Lie!" during PRESIDENT Obama's speech to a joint session of the Congress of the United States of America. Yes, this idiot HECKLED the President on the friggin' floor of the House of Representatives. And if looks could kill, Nancy Pelosi's LOOK OF DEATH would have created the need to plan Joe Wilson's funeral.
I'm sure the Teabaggers and the Birthers and the Intelligent (?) Designers will hail Wilson as a hero. But think about this: if a Democrat had heckled President Bush, he or she would have been destroyed by the righteous right-wing.
Let's make sure those two words (You Lie!) mark the end of Wilson's political career. You can contribute to his opponent in 2010 - Rob Miller (below) - HERE. When I first logged onto Miller's ActBlue fundraising site, the total was just over $13,000. About 1/2 hour later it now stands at over $20,000.
I'm sure the Teabaggers and the Birthers and the Intelligent (?) Designers will hail Wilson as a hero. But think about this: if a Democrat had heckled President Bush, he or she would have been destroyed by the righteous right-wing.
Let's make sure those two words (You Lie!) mark the end of Wilson's political career. You can contribute to his opponent in 2010 - Rob Miller (below) - HERE. When I first logged onto Miller's ActBlue fundraising site, the total was just over $13,000. About 1/2 hour later it now stands at over $20,000.

DAVID! Didn't Nancy look like she was ready to get up and whup some ass! That LOOK! LMAO.
Joe Wilson. DO you have his Twitter...@CongJoeWilson. Blow it up!
Are you kidding with the Pat Toomey ad on your site? Total right-wing jerk, Mr. Christian Soldier Toomey, Sarah Palin in guy drag! (Or is Sarah Palin ALREADY in drag) Lose the ad and defeat Toomey now!
Sorry Shawn -
But I've never seen a Pat Toomey ad on my site. I can only "opt-out" of ads one-by-one, if I know they are there. If you send me the url, I will opt out of that one as well.
David, have you completely lost your mind? Obama is a pathological liar. He totally contradicted himself in this healthcare speech to Congress! He stated that he would not sign a bill that costs taxpayers one dime. Yet a few lines later he said it would cost $900 billion. And you can bet that just like his manic economic projections which were revised to show the deficit climbing another $2 trillion, so will the cost of any government run healthcare plan. Whatever the government runs, it costs at least five times more than the private sector.
If you are not aware, Obama has already made a deal with major labor union to provide the "public option" to their members for $17.50 a month. That will not even pay the administrative costs of any plan much less for healthcare. So taxpayers will pay, big time.
Get real and quit drinking the Obama Koolaide. You are now in a shrinking minority. Obama has told so many lies and failed to produce on any of his campaign promises that blacks don't believe him!
I love Trolls who talk about "The Blacks"... Keep it classy, Asshat!!
It's only been eight months since he started in Office. Damn, this country gives George Bush 8 years fuck up things, but will not allow this Administration any time at all to try to make reparations??? Rome was not built in a day.
and "the Blacks?" Come on now! As for this "Black," I am giving the President time to make things right... maybe if he had some Bipartisanship, we could come to some kind of agreement, but people are so busy pointing out "lies" or pointing the finger. OK, if he's lying, what is your solution?
Work together, not apart.
@Troll-He did not say it would not cost taxpayers. He said it would not add to the deficit.
Remember pay-go?
Clinton left W. with a budget surplus thanks to the fact that his budgets actually paid the bills rather than borrowing money.
We all know what W. did and what the debt was the day he left office.
Beth <--- Proud supporter of President Obama! Glad I voted for him, think he's doing a great job, think he's absolutely the best thing for our country. So there. :P
I could not BELIEVE that dumbass heckling the President! As soon as I found out he was from South Carolina, I immediately thought, "Poor Bob." Honestly, doesn't Bob have enough on his plate as a South Carolinian? God, the look on Madame Speaker's face...Wilson is a dead man walkin'. What's really ironic about it is that there is nothing in any bill that provides for insurance coverage for illegals. When Wilson shouted out "You lie!" he was completely wrong.
If you're gonna make a complete ass of yourself, and a laughing stock of your party and your state, I'd think you'd want to do it for a solid and truthful reason. I guess Wilson doesn't care about that! Oh, and thanks, Ian, for his Twitter. I'm gonna check it out!
Beth -
OMG - I thought the same thing when I found out he was from SC - "Oh Jeebus, Poor Bob!!".
VL- it's time to trim your Bush! The rest of hip, young America trimmed theirs years ago! (and Europe never liked Bush, although we know they never trim theirs!)
He's gone. Past. Hated. Yet not forgotten.
Young America has spoken. Get hip or get out! Canada's kinda full up, with their progressive healtcare and all. But I'm pretty sure you can find room in Mexico. There's a place where the government won't interefere with you one little bit! Send us tacos!
Don't let the door hit you on the way out! We're taking over. Give us time! Your way didn't work. You've had years to test it. We're done!
No matter what party you consider yourself a part of you should be ashamed and embarrassed that the President of your country was heckled during a Congressional hearing. Such a disgrace.
Sadly, the first thing I thought when I heard he was from SC was 'Of course.' Poor SC is just looking worse and worse...
Also, before I contribute to his competition I may have to do a little more research. I don't want a crazier person in there! haha I think SC needs a time out to collect themselves.
what a mess he is... he will burn
I just thought of something...do we think he has Tourette's? Because then he would be a true role model to those who have fought long and hard to get where they are and to make something of themselves in spite of their disability!
Nahhh, he's probably just a douche-nozzle.
Sorry to flood the comments, but I just checked his competitions tally and it is up to $70,000!!! Can you believe that?!
I went to check the site - $75k+.
Talk about the revenge of unintended consequences...
Pelosi and Biden both looked like they were ready to kick him out. I hope he is run out on a rail! Unfortunately the #Teabagger who commented on my blog probably thinks he is wonderful.
I am going to respond to another poster's comment point for point because I love me some DD, but even more, I love having the ability and the intellect to argue a dissenting opinion.
David, have you completely lost your mind?
Obama is a pathological liar. He totally contradicted himself in this healthcare speech to Congress! He stated that he would not sign a bill that costs taxpayers one dime. Yet a few lines later he said it would cost $900 billion.
No, the president is not a liar. he worked with congress using the political process to revise a proposed health care bill that was based on ideas suggested by senators McCain(r) and Dingell(d).
"First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits – either now or in the future."
--It's in the full text of the speech, and it's also a part of the congressional record for those of you who want to fact check me. also, in case you forgot from your 5th grade civics class, this is the democratic process, bills are revised and changed based on compromise between the house, the senate and the president, not because people are liars and contradict themselves.
--I don't even know how to respond to this because you haven't given me a fact to actually address. It's like the grown up version of a little kid using a lot of big words to explain why they didn't do their homework without even making a point. We call that politcal rhetoric just so you know, the use of emotionally charged terms solely for the purpose of inciting people/ and or making it sound like you know something when all you are doing is spouting off whatever the racist Rethuglican catch phrase of the moment is (all props to Shelly for the term Rethuglican!)
--Insurance is a business that thrives in the free-market economy and gives good deals to high volume customers. I've worked in a union and also helped to administer a health plan that covered employees in one of the Midwest's largest trucking companies-my old boss owns the Ambassador Bridge. The larger fleets were able to get full coverage as required by their collective bargaining unit for as low as $74 per month, with no cost to the employee. It would follow that a union as large as the UAW would be able to offer even an even more affordable choice to their employees, who on average are responsible for 35%-50% of their single coverage monthly health care costs, paid through payroll deductions (pre-tax) and have to pay a lot more for their dependents to have coverage. Offering a large union a deal is no more then the free market system at work- offering goods and services at a cost that entices buyers. That's not socialism, that's capitalism, just so you know and don't write back with more rhetoric.
--Oh wait, you had more rhetoric...and if you refer to a minority as a group, it would be using the word black as a proper noun and should be capitalized as such...eg. the Blacks and can you cite some articles of fact (not polls) that support these claims?
Hey Vegas-Go comment on Sarah Palin's facebook. Find someone to teabag with. Go disrupt a town hall meeting. Or better, go do some research and find me some facts, then we can have a true discourse on health care.
ps. DD I didn't mean to hijack, it just couldn't be helped. Between seeing the speech for the kids at work and then hearing that speech last night I am full of pist and hope and all the other things that help people work together towards the greatest social change in my lifetime.
Equality for all means education and healthcare for all. If you are a citizen, your socioeconomic status should not determine the quality of your care or your education. for the first time in a long time, when I say the Pledge of Allegiance , I feel like we really could be working towards one country, with liberty and justice for all.
last time i checked (before i went to bed last night), the total was above $34,000! woohooooo! and that was only a matter of hours post-outburst. loves it.
i played and replayed the pelosi-biden stare-down about 6 times, no lie: so hilarious! oh, if looks could kill... also, joe wilson is a lifetime racist, if not evidenced by his hate of illegal immigrants (prob, in his mind, "brown people"), then certainly in his multi-year tutelage under king wizard of the asshats, strom thrumand.
you are fucking retarded. here's why:
A) obama did NOT contradict himself one time in the speech... his healthcare plan is a compromise in the truest sense of the word ~ democrats have to give to get and so do republicans. for instance, i don't love the mandatory health coverage bit, as it gives too much to the insurance companies, but as long as a public option is available, then i'm fine with it.
B) you claim obama's main "contradiction" was in re: paying for the reform. well, in the few sentences between "it won't cost taxpayers one dime" and "it'll cost $900 billion" you clearly missed a few crucial sentences AND didn't research any further (color me shocked). first of all, any and every dollar amount quoted is a TEN YEAR FIGURE. i'll do like pres obama and repeat, for the mouth-breathers: THESE ARE DOLLAR AMOUNTS THAT REPRESENT THE FIRST TEN YEARS OF THE HEALTHCARE BILL. to make it simple for you, vegas, that means take that number that scares you and divide by 10. i'll wait ... ready? ok! so that means $90B ~ or thereabouts ~ per year. now here's the kicker: THE REGULATIONS LEVIED ON THE INSURANCE COMPANIES COMBINED W/ CLOSING MEDICARE LOOPHOLES WILL RAISE MOST OF THIS AMOUNT!!! the rest of the amount will come from, as obama has stated many times, a 4% increase of taxes on ppl making $250K and up. furthermore, even if a healthcare bill passed congress tomorrow, NOTHING would change until 2013, giving the economy plenty of time to rebound from the failed reign of your BFFs dubya and darth vader.
C) "whatever the government runs, it costs 5x more than the private sector" ... um, yeah. that's why medicare (i'm actually eligible, so i know from what i speak here) would cost me $50/month w/ $10 co-pays and free prescriptions and my (former) employer-based insurance cost me $70/paycheck w/ $100 co-pays and full-priced prescriptions. there are LOTS of other examples of why your statement is egregious: shipping USPS vs. shipping fedex, for instance. again, please research ~ or at least TRY to think objectively about ~ your statements before you make them.
D) when you start sentences with "if you are not aware..." and follow up w/ specious, unproven statements, you look like a world net daily conspiracy tinfoil-hatter. which, now that i think about it, you probably are. so never mind, keep it up: it helps ppl to not take you seriously.
E) i personally think that all racists are fucking retards. and w/ that, i conclude my argument. vegas, you ARE the weakest link: GOODBYE!
Poor Bob indeed, because now he's pissed as hell as these SC Asshats.
Numbers go up every day of the people who want Sanford gone and I would like to add Jow Wilson's name to that group.
Seriously, SC, if you ever want to be thought of as anything other than a Backwoods-Redneck-Bible-Thumping-Holier-Than-Thou-Racist State, you better get moving.
This was one of the most fun comment reads I have had in some time!! You have some entertaining readers!
Steve Hildebrand, formerly Obama's Deputy Campaign Manager, and whose organization funded the full page ad in the NY Times extolling the Prez to get with it on Public Option and who is now apparently pleased with what he heard last eve
is now circulating a petition to have Joe Wilson censured. There are several petitions out there to sign to get this accomplished.
What is up with SC....this guy and the ever so righteous Gov. Sanford who refuses to resign and faces impeachment. What a state to have produced two irresponsible and reprehensible men sitting in seats of power and influence. They would not know the truth or reality if it slapped them in the face.
For those of you who don't know, Steve Hildebrand is gay and is still in the loop and has the ear of Obama.
LB anon
Joe Wilson should get a ticker tape parade, a key to the city and a winning lotto ticket.
It currently stands well over 246k
I think one of the FEW good things to come out of SC lately is Colbert and speaking of Colbert I think of this great piece from Jon Stewart every time something crazy happens in SC:
Also, I think the tally is now past $300,000!!
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