Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Note To Comment Trolls...

For all you “Christian” Fundamentalists, Right-Wing Gasbags, Birthers, Teabaggers, Homophobes, and/or People Who Think I’m Disgusting – let me explain the rules…

If you leave a comment ranting about your ideals (or about how disgusting I am), I may or may not publish it – depending on my mood.

If I DO publish your comment, my fabulously intelligent and witty Dust Bunnies will probably shout you down and talk about your idiocy with THEIR comments. This will make me giggle.

I will NOT, however, publish any of your follow-up rants. DavidDust is not a forum for Douchnozzles. It is a venue for us to talk about you like the idiots you are. And every time I hit “Reject” on one of your subsequent comments, I will giggle some more.

Carry on...


Jojo said...

Love It!!! Keep the giggles going - these people are ridiculous!

Cliff O'Neill said...

Go get 'em!!

Anonymous said...

Bring on the Trolls! I feel like having a little giggle :)

Beth said...

Sounds about right to me! Are they commenting anonymously? That's my favorite. Even when you say, "Hey, if you've got a problem with me, here's my email," they back down like the cowardly bullies that they are. Pfftthhhh! XOXO

Tivo Mom said...


Bob said...

Well put!



PS Rob Miller is over $412,000!!

Wonder Man said...

Don't f**k with us, fellas

Manhandler said...

I'm all in favor of teabaggers. I love it when my boyfriend sucks my balls practically into his throat.

Eric Arvin said...

Douchnozzles...LOL. Love it! Shall now add it to my personal lexicon.

Dan said...

I love you!

Angel said...

LOLOLOL!!! Loves it!!!!


Miss Ginger Grant said...

I wish I had trolls commenting on my blog to giggle at! My life is so boring!

kayce. said...

HA! i was wondering why there were no follow-up comments on that post, LMAO! i love your partisanship, david: never change!

(loves that every time i see it, rob miller's total increases!)

mrs.missalaineus said...

yeah, tell 'em to back off or we will so cut a bitch!


Anonymous said...

Yeah! What he said!

Mistress Maddie said...

Mame, now you know my gin soaked ass will cut a bitch up in here! I have ya now.

Anonymous said...

Perfect and I totally agree with your plan.

Anonymous said...

Great post back to Keith Olbermann and his worst person in the world...last nite it was Joe Wilson......LOL!!!
LB anon

Joy said...

You can have mine, Miss Ginger. Want me to send # over there? You've already battled with her.

I'm glad you posted that, DD. I don't think we have to be referees for our commenters, especially when we've asked them not to do it.

Here's what # emailed me - "Your friends were extremely rude, and you did nothing to tone things down."

Mark in DE said...

PREACH, Sistah!!! :-)

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