Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Daddy Of The Day - Blito


Unknown said...

Oh, my, I find him delicious.

Dan said...


Mark in DE said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmm... me LIKEY!!!

Mark :-)

Anonymous said...

Mwhahaha! How funny... this guy works out at my gym in London. He takes his clothes off for a living.
And for a fee he can be negotiated for an hour.
He's hot though - and looks as good in real life.
If you're ever in London drop me a line - i'll organise a guest pass! ;-)

David Dust said...

Bobby - As much as I dislike the gym, I might be motivated if Blito was there.

I'll look you up if I ever make it to London.


Jimbo said...

I am sad for Blito. Imagine being burdened with such beauty, having to walk around with the curse of a perfect body. Poor guy.

Unknown said...

He-he Hello

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