Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Exotic Entertainer of the Day - De Angelo

De Angelo is a Personal Trainer and "Exotic Entertainer" from Miami. He certainly looks the part...


Anonymous said...

I just cannot get past the over manicured eyebrows and bad facial hair. It's a deal breaker for me :(
But that's what covering up the face is good for! :)

Lee from NC said...

I'm with polkadotoes. Body, awesome. Face, overly prettified.

zot said...

I agree that the eyebrows are a turnoff--but I still find him sexy.

Angel said...

I'm with you polkadotoes....facial hair and eyebrows=no no noooooooooo!

plus, I don't think we play on the same team..or wait, maybe we do.

Anonymous said...

I think it goes a little beyond plucking the eyebrows. Perhaps a little work done on the face, certainly some collagen in the lips.

Benj said...

I LOVE his eyes. there is nothing hotter than dark hair and light eyes.

Mark in DE said...

"Exotic Entertainer" - LOL!

The weird facial hair and eye brows are a turn off for me, too, despite that smokin' body.

gaysean said...

He looks like sexy evil. You know that person in the movie that evil but he's so damn sexy you forget just how evil they are.

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