Sunday, August 9, 2009

Stiles Farmer's Market

I've blogged in the past about the fabulous veggie market in my neighborhood, mentioning it most recently in my Diddy sighting post. In my quest for healthier living (did I just write that?!?) I've been visiting the market quite a lot lately.

Stiles Farmer's Market is one-of-a-kind. Basically it's a permanent tent (yes, a tent) that was put up in a parking lot years ago - and it's been going strong ever since. There are no frills (when it rains, the floor gets wet), but the prices certainly can't be beat. Basically, they offer wholesaler prices to the public - and the people in my neighborhood can't get enough.

Case in point - yesterday I bought all of the items pictured above - 3 zucchini, 3 squash, 2 large onions, 1/2 a watermelon, a cantaloupe and 5 cucumbers ... and it cost me $9.77. Yes biatches, I live in Manhattan and got 3 bags of fruits & vegetables for less than what I would spend at McDonald's. It's actually more cost effective for me to eat HEALTHY! Go figure...

BTW, tomorrow I plan on giving ya'll a "Crazy" update and I'm actually going to Weigh In. Wait, did I just write THAT?!?...


Miss Ginger Grant said...

Good luck finding your way down the road to healthier living! It's hard sometimes, and sometimes you willg et off track, but then you just get right back on a start driving down that road again!
Love ya bunches!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone is feeling much better and refocused on "healthy eating" rather than "dumb dieting". So happy to read such a positive post.
Have a very happy day....
LB anon

Bob said...

Sheesh, our farmer's market in Smallville has higher prices than that!

God for you DD.


Anonymous said...

We have a local farmer's market that operates on Saturday morning. I love it there. Since it's canning season, I've been going over to get supplies: 27 pounds of tomatoes, 24 pounds of peaches, 36 pounds of zuchini...needless to say, they're starting to know me.

I love wandering around the stalls and talking to complete strangers. Such a great community experience!

Beth said...

That's fantastic! Both the prices, the yummy food, and the health factor! Mmm, I loves me my veggies. I look forward to hearing the latest in your Quest! XOXO Beth

Ken Riches said...

Looks like you have quite a gem there. Best of luck.

Angel said...

ggod for you Tranny. I could live on this stuff all summer.........and it all looks so good, esp. that watermelon!!!


Joy said...

Did I miss what happened when you went to the doctor while I'm having side-effects? That place sounds great! The prices are good and there's nothing like fresh vegetables and fruit in the summer!

Anonymous said...

Wellllllllllll....some of them might be satisfying...but I have my doubts.
xoxoxo Charlie

Mark in DE said...

See, that's what I love about NYC. In the midst of this 'urban jungle' you have affordable produce so you can get your fruits/veggies on!!

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