"Make It Werk".

Here is my drama: Top Chef Las Vegas premieres on Wednesday (8/19). Project Runway premieres the next evening. WHAT SHOULD I RECAP?!? And you're not allowed to say "both".
Seriously, I need your input...
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Oy. Hmmm, well I guess cause TLo recaps PR and not Top Chef and I would love at least one hilarious recap of each show, I vote for Gail's Boobies!
Recap PR and do a short commentary on TC and let everyone comment. Or you could choose to recap the one with the best material each week and post a short commentary on the other one.
I could be a life coach.
Oh, that cat is perfect!
oh project runway please, and rename the cast with funny monikers thx xx
my dream-wish-fantasy is both, but since i MUST choose, i choose PR of course.
Damn, now that you have a life, you have become so difficult....JK!!!
Well, let's see how things shake out with the new PR....it may turn out to be a snooze (doubt it). I think you should recap the one you enjoy doing the most. And if it turns out, you want to do both, all the better for us hungry readers and your fans who luv, luv, luv your take.
LB anon
I vote PR, too.
Project Runway! Just because... it's been so long.
In a perfect world you would clone yourself in time to recap both.....who will provide the snark? Follow your bliss and recap whichever one suits your fancy!
I like Joy's idea. And Natasha wants to know where her check is since you used her likeness here.
Are you kidding? Much as I LURVE your Top Chef recaps and much as I LOL every time THE BOOBIES make an appearance, it's gotta be Project Runway, baby. Love ya, mean it.
Oh, dear! I would have to vote for PR as I agree with Lelio, it has been so long since the last PR. But do throw in a comment on Gail's boobies once in a while...
ok, now that I have that outta my system...please recap PR...you are madly fabulous at it.
and I hope Lifetime doesn't take out all the gay...ya know?
PR. I'm sorry, I just couldn't get into TCM. I mean, without Gail's boobies and Padma's scar and all...
Why can't I say both? I say both. Do both. Give up your life, take a vow of recapping and go to it.
Maybe you could sort of combine them. Yeah, a Project Top Chef mashup. Tim Gunn in a toque and no pants. I have to go lie down now.
I say : "DO AS JOY COMMANDS!!!!"
Your Project Runway recaps are LEGENDARY - you MUST recap it.
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