Spoilers Ahead! Last night I ended up watching Big Brother...

I was surprised that former Hottie of the Day Jessie Godderz (above) had been sent home (I didn't see it last week). I was even MORE surprised that Natalie, Chima, and Lydia were CRYING about Jessie being gone - like he was dead or something (below).

BTW, I was watching Big Brother After Dark over the weekend, and something MAJOR went down with one of the houseguests. Supposedly this will be revealed/explained tomorrow.
Then I watched True Blood. OMG - I just love Hoyt and Jessica. And how funny is Hoyt's uptight/judgemental/prejudiced Mama?!?...

And I was certainly sad about Godric...

Finally, I watched Design Star - which has proven to be extremely boring this season. And considering that Top Chef and Project Runway start this week, I won't be recapping Design Star anymore.

In case you were curious, cute Nathan Galui (below) was sent home for spending too much time building a storage unit/entertainment center.

gawd I love me some True Blood!! and I thought about YOU when Godrick went up in flames..."Oh no! Tranny will be so sad that cute little man is burning!" and Hoyts mama!!! What a hoot! (as long as she's just on tv and not in my life anywhere!) But other than that, I thought True Blood was kinda...boring last night. No orgies, no nuthin. I'm sick of Maryann already....and it took Sam that long to think, "Hey! I'm a shapshifter...I can shapeshift my way outta jail!" DUH!
I cannot wait for Thursday....I'm peeing my pants here!!!
I thought True Blood was a little disappointing last night. The next few episodes are going to be great.
I get the live feeds to Big Brother and Sunday nights show didn't tell half of what went on after the eviction until teh nominations.
Chima, Natalie and Lydia acted like a bunch of spoiled BITCHES because everyone isn't working toward them getting to the finals. Once they get a chance to see all the shit Jessie said about them in the house while he was there, they will change their tune.
Chima walked out late Friday night because she threw her microphone in the jacuzzi and they told her she would have to pay for it. Everyone in the house was happy to see her go. She sulked about Jeff usisng the mystery powers to change the game and blamed the producers. The producers got sick of her threats and didn't stop her from walking out.
I have a crush on Hoyt
Design Star isn't doing it for me this season, either.
I agree with you, Tranny Beth, about that mother as long as I don't have to be around her in real life. And yes about Maryann, too! She's on all my nerves and also creeps me out.
So sorry about Godrick, David!
I'm ready for Thursday night!
I agree! Hoyt is a cutie! I was afraid I was the only one. True Blood is the best thing on TV. Even in so-called boring episodes (although I haven't seen a one IMHO) the show just keeps you on the edge of your seat. I'm anxious to see what happens when Jason, Sookie and Bill return to Bon Temps from Dallas and discover the whole town has gone cray.
Yes, very uninspired season of Design Star. If anyone cares to join me on my blog for recaps/interviews w/eliminated designers, check out http://www.blog.roomfu.com/
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