Saturday, August 29, 2009

Go Go Saturday

Mistress Maddie, Miss Ginger Grant and I hit our favorite go-go boy bar - Urge (AKA "The Urges"). Oh ... Em ... Gee ... the dancers there are SO gorgeous and SO friendly. Of particular note were "Fernando" and the hottie with the extremely long ... um ... HOSE. Note: the pics above were not taken at The Urges - but there are some pictures on their Facebook PAGE.


Miss Ginger Grant said...

You should make Go Go Saturday a weekly feature!!

behrmark said...

Gogo David McIntosh is breathtaking!

Eric Arvin said...

Why don't we have go go boys like that around here?!

Joy said...

Yeah, I noticed the one you mentioned! The Urges for sure.

Dan said...

omg - i am sooo jealous1

Angel said...

that guy is stuffing it, right? say I', right...cuz if not, then HE'S THE MAN OF MY DREAMS!!!! ;)

Mark in DE said...

I know y'all went pure-D crazy up in there!!!

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