Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy Birthday To Mama Bunny!

Today is my darling Mother's birthday - please help me in wishing her a very happy day. Here is a picture of us taken a few years ago (when I was a lot thinner). Isn't my Mother adorable?!?

I have to thank Mom for always being there for me - and for insisting that I get help for my depression (more about that later). Thanks Mom - I love you - and Happy Birthday!


Bob said...

Happy Day, Mama DB!

Happy Happy Day!

Anonymous said...

Wishing Mama Bunny a Hippity, Hoppity Happy Day!

LB anon

the dogs' mother said...

Many happy wishes hopping your way, Mama Bunny!!!

Ken Riches said...

Hope Momma Bunny has a hip hopping great day :o)

Dan said...

Happy Birthday Mama Bunny!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mami, and thanks for giving us that adorable son.

Anonymous said...

Sending Happy Happy Birthday wishes and many many more!

C'est moi, c'est moi Lola said...

C днем рождения, мама зайчика!
(S dnyom rozhdenia, mama zaichika!)

Happy Birthday, Mama Bunny!

Beth said...

Happy happy birthday, Mama Bunny!

Anonymous said...

Happy B-day

Angel said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA BUNNY!!!!! we love you and your Baby Bunny!!!


kayce. said...


Unknown said...

Happy B-day Mama Bunny! Thanks for passing your particular brand of crazy to our fave blogger!


Psychomom said...

From one mama to another,
"Happy Birthday Mama Bunny"
have an extra wonderful day.

Joy said...

Hope she has a wonderful birthday!

Wonder Man said...

Happy B-Day, Mama

Mistress Maddie said...

Mama Bunny- A very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! Thank-you for giving Mame,I mean, Daivd to us all. He is such a wonderful and entertaining friend!

Anonymous said...

Mama Bunny sez:

Many thanks to all of you for your good wishes to me. Your caring and loving comments to my wonderful son continue to be a gracious gift to this proud Mom.

Dust Bunnies rock!

Sam said...

Happy Birthday Ho. Drive it like you rented it.
luv tug

Mark in DE said...

Happy birthday to Mama Bunny!! She did good with our darling David.

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