Since I've been doing a lot of cat blogging, I figured this would be an appropriate (or inappropriate - depending how you look at it) "Caption This" post.
I'll start...
Your turn...
I'll start...
"You've heard of 'D*ck In A Box'? Well this is a little different..."
Your turn...
The new "test a pus*y" booth at the mall had everyone all smiles!
people with pusses are crazy!
See what happens when you dont trim your pubes!
Cats sayz "Gender reassignment surgery starting in 3,2,1..."
Jane & Melvin enjoy having duel Brazilian waxes... they like to do every thing as a couple.
If you continue to repost things from Awkward Family Photos, I might as well unfav this site, because I already go there.
Ted and Jane were baffled by the SPCA investigation.
Too funny!
Anon -
The idea is/was for my fabulously creative and hysterical Dust Bunnies to add an amusing caption to this Awkward Family Photo - not simply to repost the photo which you've already viewed. And, as you can see, they are doing an excellent job.
This "Caption This" post also fit in with the theme of all the cat blogging I've been doing lately.
But if you're having a hard time figuring all this out, then you probably don't belong here. The title was "Caption This" not "Complain About This"...
tom and kathy always thought the peta slogan was 'i'd rather go naken and wear fur'.
i love making captions up! please continue this very entertaining weekly feature.
haters can talk to the paw!
Oh, the horror! Funny captions and excellent retort on your part, King Bunny!
Mine: Wanda and Henry, new to AOL, responded to a request to show Master Dustbuster their pussies.
Patches and Pumpkin wished they could remember the name of their pet adoption agents, so that they could bring new meaning to "spay and neuter".
The veterinarian was more than confused when Gloria and Bob started disrobing for the examination. He just chalked it up to people conditioned to do anything the man in white coat said....
How do you even think of that? I think I will get naked for a pussy photo shoot? BTW - it would be utter peril to do that with my feral cat. I don't even like to change clothes around him
I'm Puss, he's Boots :o)
C'mon, Vera! Let's get naked and play with our pussies!
Do you want to pet my pussy?
Yeah, move your cat.
The years were not kind to Lavern DeFazio. Desperate for companionship and with her roommate Shirley Feinstein (nee Feeny) married and living in Florida with her doctor husband, poor Laverne joined her father Frank's (photo, right) nudist colony with tragic results.
Sidenote: Her friendship with Shirley became estranged when she sent this photo as a Christmas card. To Shirley's horror, she named her cat Boo Boo Kitty.
After reading all the previous comments, I got nothin'! I'm cracking up! XOXO
Yes, we met on E-Harmony.com.......or gives the Pussy Galore a whole new meaning.
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