Thursday, August 6, 2009

Breaking: John Hughes Dies

TMZ is reporting that film director, producer and writer John Hughes, 59, died of a heart attack today in NYC.

Anyone who grew up in the 80's needs to observe a moment of silence for the man responsible for such classics as National Lampoon's Vacation, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Weird Science, The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink and my favorite - Sixteen Candles.


Anonymous said...

Oh Jake Ryan...swoon!!

RIP John, you have given me some of my most cherished movies!

I am going to go dance around to a little Otis Redding in remembrance:

Deep Dish said...

Very sad. :(

Kailyn said...

You didn't mention Uncle Buck. *sigh*

Cuz_I'm_The_Mom said...

His movies are an integral part of my childhood and now my kids enjoy them. What a talent!

Beth said...

Someone informed me that Hughes directed "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles," which is one of my favorites from that era. Classic movies from a great director! XOXO Beth

Anonymous said...

Drama Queen is having several friends over and we're doing a marathon of his movies to properly memorialize the man who completely re-invented teen movies.

Lee from NC said...

Also a big fan of Hughes' work. Loved me some "Sixteen Candles". I had a crush on Jake Ryan for a long time after seeing that movie, lol. Michael Anthony Hall turned out to be kind of a hottie as well, though it took him a little longer ;)

The 80s wouldn't have been the 80s without his movies.

RIP John.

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