Thursday, March 26, 2009

Daddy of the Day - Victor Martinez - Part II

I've been going back and visiting some old favorites lately - yesterday I featured my favorite model and today I'm featuring Victor Martinez - my favorite bodybuilder. Martinez was born 35 years ago in the Dominican Republic, and was raised in NYC with his seven sisters and two brothers.

Victor is fantastic - those arms, that smile, those lips - PERFECTION...

My first Victor post is HERE - and you can check out the official Victor Martinez website HERE.


Unknown said...

where the hell does a man get muscles like that?

Miss Ginger Grant said...

That dude is huge! Love him!

Prince Todd said...


Normally, I am afraid of muscles that huge. However, I think he is soooo KAAAYOOOT!

Mark in DE said...

Wow - he's HUGE!

John said...

Is he available for a play-date this weekend???

David Dust said...

John - That's A LOT of man to play with!!


Angel said...


Anonymous said...

incredible size

Wonder Man said...


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