Monday, March 23, 2009

White Meat Monday Daddy of the Day - Scott Jenkins


Anonymous said...

you've found the perfect specimen!

Marker said...

absolutely - look at that perfect chest hair . . . and everything else

Angel said...

I don't normally like a hairy chest, but his is nice. And I like that his abs aren't etched in stone....he looks good and NORMAL!!!! well, hotter then normal, but you know what I mean!


Mark in DE said...

OMG - he is SOOO up my alley!!!

Dan said...

loving the hairy chest. the jack daniels aint half bad either!

Anonymous said...

Yuh...I could get rubber knees over that.

Unknown said...

Yes, he is stunning. I could stare at those pictures all day - and just might~

mikeinbama said...

He's perfect!

Wonder Man said...

that's what I'm talking about

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