Friday, March 27, 2009

My Life...

A few of you have sent emails asking how my life (job/diet/etc.) has been going. First of all, I appreciate your concern – ya’ll are just too sweet.

As for my day job – things are better. It’s busier now at the restaurant (I have tons of Student Groups booked this spring), so I am definitely needed right now. Although I have yet to complete my Doomsday Report showing how badly my event/group sales have suffered during this recession.

As far as my diet/fitness “progress” goes, there has been none. In fact, when I weighed myself on Monday I had hit a new all-time high. I had been ordering Chinese take-out every night, and hitting the dollar store and grocery store for all kinds of horrible CRAP over the past few months. You have no idea how fast you can gain weight when you gorge on Stove-Top Stuffing, Swanson Pot-Pies, and frozen Pizza Rolls for a couple of months. NOT cute.

But I got back to my Weight Watcher’s point regime immediately, and lost a couple of pounds. I also walked home from work once this week, and plan on doing so again tonight (it’s in the mid-60’s this afternoon). The TRUE test will be the weekend – I haven’t had a single weekend in months that I stayed on-track.

I would like to start doing my “Weigh-In” posts again – and I think I will do them on Mondays from now on. Monday is the day that I log my weight with Weight-Watchers, and reporting to you all on Monday gives me some incentive to “be good” over the weekend.

We’ll see what happens…


the dogs' mother said...

The good thing about the wagon - it is low enough to crawl back into. :-)

Eric Arvin said...

All you can do is keep trying. Good on you for not giving up. :-)

Anonymous said...

Monday weigh-ins ARE a good incentive to be good over the weekends!

I have to say, your published struggles have certainly made me more mindful of my eating habits. See, you can inspire other dust bunnies to be good too...

Don't give up, and try to nix the processed foods!

Bob said...

I agree with FP.

David, you know you can do this. Look at all you do, and do so well. This is one more battle to conquer, and I know you're on the winning side.

I've been there, and I know it's hard, but it can be done.



Kwana said...

Good luck David. I understand about the setback. With my back messing up and me being a blah I've had a set aback too. You can do it!

Anonymous said...

First off, the new picture is pretty hot, my friend. Alert the Papis. And today is always new. It's about the choices you make today. Thank God, because I ate about 3 dozen snickerdoodles this week.

Wonder Man said...

I got your back if you need it

Sam said...

Look Ho, that wagon you fell off of came back around and ran over me twice last week. I wonder if it's possible I could get any fatter? Hang in the Papi Chaser. You are not alone in the good fight.

Beth said...

Good luck, David, I know you can get back on that horse. While I've never struggled with weight, I smoked for about 20 years, and gave it up 3 and a half years ago (3 years, 8 months, and 22 days ago, actually...not that I'm counting). It took willpower, but it can be done! Let us be your support group!

Hugs, Beth

Mark in DE said...

Good luck, my friend. Lord knows I know it ain't easy.


Jimbo said...

Hang in there and keep at it. i'll be here rooting for you.


Mistress Maddie said...

Mamie just hang in there hon. You did it once, you do it again!!


Nanc Twop said...

Dear David,

Here's something to cheer you up; take a walk on Saturday morning to 23rd and Broadway, the Top Chef Tour Truck is there.

You can pick up a Culinary Boner T-shirt! ;-)

Joy said...

Wagon? Where's the wagon? It ran over me, too!

Renee said...

Good for you David. I know you can do it! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

I haven't dared approach the scales. next dr appt not until June ( so things are looking good at long last). I wondered however,about your job. are you also expected to drum up business? or just manage it when it comes in?
FP says it all for all of us. Yay.

theminx said...

Walking home from work is a really great idea - that's a really long-ass walk, and if you can do that every day once the weather is consistently pleasant, it will help a great deal. You'll be a hottie in time for bikini season!



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