Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wednesday's Just Aren't The Same

Now that Top Chef is over, I am really feeling the void on Wednesdays where Project Runway should be. As many of you know, I got to see the Bryant Park collections of the Season 6 finalists - but Season 6 hasn't aired because of various lawsuits. I feel like the longer this legal mess drags out, the more the country forgets about the show and moves on. Will there EVER be a new season of Project Runway??

Our friend Laura K. and the gang at Blogging Project Runway have been keeping us all up-to-date on the legal proceedings. They also give us all the news about the many Project Runway alumni. Check them out HERE to stay in the PR loop.

The Project Rungay boys have been spending their time taking some fabulous trips down memory lane. Right now they are giving us their Top 20 Worst Project Runway Looks of All Time. Remember these hot tranny messes?...

But the outfit below is my absolute favorite. This would have been my choice for Number One Worst Outfit in the History of Everything (it was only #11 on TLo's list). I STILL laugh when I see it...


Check out Project Rungay HERE.

Project Rungay is also covering Make Me A Supermodel - which now occupies the Top Chef/Project Runway Wednesday time slot on Bravo. I guess you have to work with what you got - so I plan on writing a recap of tonight's episode, which should be posted tomorrow afternoon.

Watch what happens ...??...


Bob said...

Your favorite tacky outfit is mine, too.
Psycho nurse!


Anonymous said...

I've caught the new cooking show but can't recall the name at the moment. One master chef, one food critic, teams compete. the one chef makes the final calls and my, it weighs heavily on him.
Anyway, I follow you anywhere your accute eyes roam.
xoxo Charlie

Anonymous said...


You're not alone in there being an empty hole in Wednesday nights. I used to schedule things around it, but with the Runway lawsuit set to drag out for quite some time, I pretty much just record the replacement shows, unless I get totally sucked in. Top Chef pulled me in this season, but Supermodel - not so much.

I miss the great designs and I miss the fug on Wednesdays. More importantly I miss Tim's reaction to the fug on the screen. THAT's what makes the show, for me.

Have fun with Supermodel, though. I hear there's a guy on there with a perpetual woody...

LauraK said...

Thanks for the shout-out David. I'm loving Project Runway Canada this season.

the dogs' mother said...

We are also bereft here on Wednesdays. And Super Model doesn't even begin to fill its shoes. Maybe Project Runway needs a federal bailout?

Tivo Mom said...

I miss the show as well but the Psycho nurse/serial killer outfit is one of my favorites. I watched last season and so far this season of Make Me a Supermodel and it takes up space but does not have the pizazz of the other shows. Maybe you can spice it up.

Mark in DE said...

I am chomping at the bit for season 6. In the meantime, I'm enjoying MMaS and feel you really SHOULD be recapping it regardless!

I call your favorite worst outfit "Mrs. Kleen".

Joy said...

I feel sort of lost on Wednesday nights now without PR and TC. How sad for all of us. :-(

I still have Criminal Minds but not my Bravo shows.

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