Saturday, March 28, 2009

ShamWOW Vince Arrested!

There is nothing I could write that would do this story justice the way Dlisted did. Please go HERE and read their post, entitled "ShamWow Vince Will Slap Chop A Ho!".


Eric Arvin said...


curt said...

Ok, couldn't muster up the interest to read the article. But why is Tatum O'Neal hanging with that dude?

Must be the crack.

Renee said...


Anonymous said...

I saw this story yesterday, hilarity! Only thing is that he looks way more messed up than her. She doesn't look like she has a scratch on her and she is actually smiling!! WTF? But he looks all sorts of cracked out. She had to have done more to him than just bite his tongue, ouch! That guy always creeped me out, with his little headset microphone and all.

Mistress Maddie said...

Wow! Vince looks like shit when the hair isn't did and the make-up artist aren't there.

Anonymous said...

Caught this on another friend's blog and read all the details including the picts of affadavits etc. Must say in the old days I loved the pitchmen on the boardwalk at A.C. Great entertainers with their little kitchen gadget products.And could they handle hecklers! Too bad this guy didn't have an ounce of sense when he made the deal.Arrogant huh?

Mark in DE said...

Hilarious story! Sad that the events depicted are true tho.

Anonymous said...

LMAO! Oh my lord, you can just hear her thinking, A lifetime supply of ShamWOWs! Ka-ching!

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