Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dust Bunny of the Week - ShirlSD

I originally promised to show you some of the Artwork Contest submissions today - but actually I'm only going to share ONE Dust Bunny's efforts for now.

I would like to introduce you to the ORIGINAL "West Coast Dust Bunny" - ShirlSD (below). Shirl is a long-time reader and a great lover of Top Chef and Project Runway, which is is how we became acquainted. In fact, in the picture below, notice Shirl's signed photos from Top Chef's Richard and Stephanie (left), and the Tim Gunn bobblehead (right) - complete with Rainbow Flag!!

Shirl threw everything she had into winning the Rona Green print, but unfortunately came up empty-handed. Her loss certainly wasn't due to a lack of effort.

First of all, Shirl snuck out of her office (or Cubeopolis, as she calls it on her BLOG) to go get the job done. On the way out the door, she had to duck behind some plants to hide from her boss...

Then Shirl hit the streets, hopping all the way. Like a good Dust Bunny should...

Since this contest was about Art, Shirl found some public art to vandalize admire...

She even located a sculpture by my favorite artist, Keith Haring, and terrorized took a picture with it...

Then Shirl realized that in order to get the bonus points, she needed to get to the only place that gives David a culinary boner Arby's. And she brought Bunnies!!

Finally, Shirl did what no other Dust Bunny did - she actually showed herself CHOWING DOWN ON ARBY'S DELICIOUS CUISINE! Well played, Shirl ... WELL PLAYED...

So, for her valiant efforts in the name of art, bunnies, and curly fries, I would like to present this "Dusty" award to ShirlSD...

In addition to this award, Shirl's blog will get the coveted "Dust Bunny of the Week" spot formerly held by the lovely and talented Tugboat.


Eric Arvin said...

Fun pics!! You go Shirl!

Bob said...

Those pictures are hysterical.
That's my smile for the day.

Congrats Madame Dust Bunnt of the Week Shirl!

the dogs' mother said...


Beth said...

Wow, that is impressive! Way to go above and beyond, Shirl! I love the one behind the plants, just the ears sticking up. Too cute!

Amber LeMay said...

Oh my - DD - you've got some major fans!!! Next time I guess I have to up my ante (or have someone up it for me).

JenM said...

Yeah!!! Shirlsd, Dust Bunny of the week! Does the title come with that furry dust ball of a rabbit? I hope not!

Sam said...

Damn, now that's a true dust bunny fan. Ethel get the checkbook out, looks like we are going to have to go big next time.
congrats on your award!!!

Anonymous said...

Great picture story. Wunnerful wunnderful.

Mark in DE said...

Wow - valiant effort, ShirlSD!!

Unknown said...

Shirl ROX!

Anonymous said...

Shirl has earned my ever-lovin' awe and admiration. That girl is awesome!

Joy said...

Brilliant! Love this! Shirl has definitely raised the bar! We'll all have to go big or stay home! Well played indeed!!

Love you! Love your Dust Bunnies!


shirlnutkin said...

david (and all other dust bunnies)! ... i had lots of fun and look forward to more! thanks much for the kind words.
hugs & smooches
(with a little bit of tongue)
~ shirl

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