Wednesday, March 25, 2009

For Those Long Hours Spent Sitting at the Bar...

I could have used a barstool like this back when I was spending four nights a week at the now-closed go-go papi bar, Stella's.

Sometimes you gotta give "the boys" some room. And I DON'T mean GO-GO boys...


Bob said...

I saw this picture and I thought, Óh my.'
Then I thought, Í wonder......'

Anonymous said...

For some people the contours wouldn't be big enough in at least one category. What a find David. hilarious.

Mark in DE said...

You know, that actually looks comfortable! I can just imagine some trendy NYC gay bar replacing all its regular stools with these.

Start making your list of places to go when we come in May.

Dan said...

I want to meet the man that fits into that chair!

Beth said...

Too funny. What would the women's version be like? Instead of indentations...LOL!

Anonymous said...

I need a couch like that.

Joy said...

Funny! And makes my mind wander, too!

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