Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday Weigh-In

Last week I promised you a Monday weigh-in, so here it is...

Exactly one week ago, I tipped the scales at a new record for me. The 25 lbs I had lost last year had been regained – plus a few.

Instead of getting discouraged (like I usually do), I actually took steps to reverse my gaining trend. I started logging my points again at, and I walked home from work twice last week (2 ½ miles).

And on Saturday I did something that had helped me lose 90 pounds a few years ago … I danced.

Yep, you heard me right – I danced. By myself. In my apartment. Alone. I put on one of the Dance channels on AOL Radio, and boogie oogie oogied ‘til I just couldn’t boogie no more. And I forgot how much fun it was.

Bitches – I could sell tickets to that show. You should see me getting my groove on. And it is really good exercise. An hour of walking earns 3 Weight Watchers activity points (basically, 3 extra points you can use to eat later) – but an hour of dancing earns 8 points. And I really do work up a sweat.

And heaven help me if I hear one of the old songs I danced to when I first hit the clubs here in NYC. Like Murk’s “Some Lovin”…

Or The Fog’s “Been A Long Time”…

I’m wiggling here at my desk just thinking about it.

Anywhore, it wasn’t ALL sunshine and light this past week. I keep ordering Chinese delivery when I should be having Lean Cuisine. But at least I got my dumplings steamed (instead of fried) over the weekend. I obviously still have room for improvement.

But, as of today, I have lost 6 pounds from when I started this whole journey last year. Yes, I know at one point I was down 25 lbs, but at least it’s a start. And at least I'm not HEAVIER than I was when I started. I’ll check back in next week and let you know how it’s going.


Dan said...

that a girl! I want to go dancing with you!

Bob said...

"And at least I'm not HEAVIER than I was when I started."
Abd that's what you need to remeber. You've made the effort and the improvement and you can keep on keepin'on.....or keep on getting it off....or.....well, you knoiw what I mean.


the dogs' mother said...

Dancing with the Bloggers - I can see it now!

C'est moi, c'est moi Lola said...

Wow. My tastes trend a little more House, but whatever works for you. Just dance like some hot papi just met your eye and wants to see your moves!

I'm a bit jealous David - whenever I try to do this at home, my cat gives me a look like,"Bitch, please! Elaine from Seinfield you're dancin' on the wrong beat!" It's a little disheartening. But until she can work a camera phone, I think I'm safe.

Keep on keepin' on! XOX

Unknown said...

Congratulations. You are an inspiration, and maybe next time I am in NYC, we can find a club to dance in rather than a bar to drink...

Beth said...

Good for you! You know you need to make a change, and you've started. Wonderful!

Dancing used to be my main form of exercise, too, and YES you can work up a sweat! I have been totally out of the mood for my workouts lately, and maybe I just need to change it up a bit, so maybe I'll try a little dancing tomorrow.

You've inspired me, David!

Hugs, Beth

David Dust said...

Thanks everybody!

Darling Howard - we can find a club to go out dancing, but I'm STILL drinking... :)


Unknown said...

Multi-tasking - I Love It!

David Dust said...

Howard -

Multi-tasking = more calories burned. :)


Mark in DE said...

You GO, Mamie!!! Oh to have been a fly on the wall of your apt when you were boogie oogie oogie-ing!!!

Just don't give up. Even if you relapse into old/bad habits for a hot minute, don't give up. Enjoy the indulgence and then get back on that healthy routine.

And don't underestimate the value of walking home from work!

Jimbo said...

Dance your ass off! WOOT!

Keep up the good work. NO MORE CHINESE TAKE OUT!!


Tivo Mom said...

Very impressive! You will be bikini ready in no time!

Angel said...

you go girl!!!!! You CAN do it!!! and grrrrrl, dancing is my very favorite thing to do. and I haven't danced in YEARS! Well, the lat time I danced was last year at Rae's wedding and I was a sweaty mess! but what fun it was!

keep walking and eating steamed dumplings!!! you can do it. But just remember, I love you no matter what....


Kwana said...

Yes! You inspire me. I'm a hot mess. Not moving and inch. I will dance along with you. Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

David,this is fantastic! I'm so doing this. And Bob is absolutely right. You're lighter than when you began and this is a victory! HOORAY!!!!

Renee said...

Go David! Dance those pounds away!

theminx said...

Dancing is definitely the best exercise ever! It was instrumental in my losing 60 lbs in the 90s. By looking at me, you can tell I haven't been dancing in about 8 years, which is criminal. But I've been listening to 90s dance music on my iPod (hello CeCe Peniston!) and thinking about hitting the dance floor again. Once my foot stops hurting. :)


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