Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Dust Bunny Mike In Bama just sent me an email (he has my direct email address at work) urging me to go to Joe.My.God. It turns out I was one of the winners of Joe's special "Swag Thursday" giveaway! I have won a pair of tickets to the Radio City Music Hall Speaker Series for March 31st. That evening, Anderson Cooper will conduct a live interview with D.L. Hughley, Ariana Huffington, and AssHat Mike Huckabee.

I had forgotten about commenting on JMG's Swag post - but I'm SOOO pleasantly surprised to actually win something!! I haven't been to Radio City Music Hall in ages (it's only a few blocks from my apartment) - and it will be interesting to see this non-traditional 'live entertainment'. I will make sure to give you all a full recap.

I know I have mentioned this before, but for those of you who enjoy my blog - you can thank Joe.My.God for inspiring me to start DavidDust. He is simply a SUPERSTAR in my world - and his blogging made me want to start a blog of my own. Joe is so MAJOR, that I was too intimidated to introduce myself to him at a Prop 8 protest. I know - I'm a friggin' wuss...

By the way - anyone want to go with me?? Seriously, my Best Friend would rather pull off his fingernails with needle-nose pliers that listen to people talk about politics. So if you are going to be in NYC on March 31st, send me an email.

>P, b!


the dogs' mother said...

ah, so it is Joe's fault that google is going to be sending me places no married woman should visit.
Congrats on your win! I think it will be a really interesting event and Anderson Cooper in person? Swoon.

Jesús V. said...

¡ Radio City Hall! I want a ticket too!! I Love NYC!!!

Kisses, David!!!


Kailyn said...

Congrats! Let me check plane fares... j/k

Joy said...

Wish I were going to be there because I love to go! I'm glad you won something and will get to have fun! Tell us all about it.

kayce. said...

CONGRATS!!! omg that is amazing... the coop AND d.l. hugley...? let the hilarity ensue. if i were going to be anywhere NEAR nyc, i would totes want that ticket, LOL.

it's extra special b/c you totally forgot about it, too... i think mike in bama should def be awarded the dust bunny of the week award!

David Dust said...

Kayce -

Go to Mike's blog and see the picture of his boyfriend's BARE ASS. That booty is reward enough!!!


Mark in DE said...

Oh wow - congrats on the win!!!

Anonymous said...

Even though I'm not polictical creature, it would be fun to go blow spitballs at Huckabee.

mikeinbama said...

It's times like these I wished I lived in NYC.

Bob said...

Being at Radio City to hear a political discussion: Good.
Being in NYC to meet the Dynamic David Dust: Better
Being in the same room as Andy Cooper: be still my heart.

Wonder Man said... should be fun

Anonymous said...

I just came back from Joe's and saw your name...and a little further down of course I have your blog so I rushed right over.
I learned about Joe's from you.Congratulations. Anderson Cooper is the best...I read his books and love watching him on CNN

xoxoxo Charlie

Beth said...

I WISH! I'd love to attend that gathering. I loves me my politics, and that sounds like quite a bill. Enjoy!

Angel said...

IF ONLY!!!! Oh what chaos we could cause!!!

This is fabulous for you Tranny, cuz you forgot about it and then SURPRISE!!! that's even better.


Anonymous said...

Sorry - I'll be home reading "Bold Fresh" by Bill O'Reilly. And I have to wash my hair that night. But I'm sure you will have no trouble finding some wacko liberal friend to go along.
Mama Bunny

Timmy said...

Congrats on winning!

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